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Opendatasoft's Explore API Reference Documentation (v2.1)

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Welcome to the Opendatasoft Explore API!

The Opendatasoft Explore API v2 is organized around REST. It provides access to all the data available through the platform in a coherent, hierarchical way.

If you want to learn more about how to make the most out of the API, we recommend reading the article Introduction to API explore. This article will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the API's capabilities and guide you through the process of accessing and manipulating data.

  • Only the HTTP GET method is supported.
  • All API endpoints return JSON.
  • Endpoints are organized in a hierarchical way describing the relative relationship between objects.
  • All responses contain a list of links allowing easy and relevant navigation through the API endpoints.
  • All endpoints use the Opendatasoft Query Language (ODSQL). This means that most of the time, parameters work the same way for all endpoints.
  • While the records endpoint is subject to a limited number of returned records, the exports endpoint has no limitations.


The v2.1 version is stable and production ready: no breaking change will be introduced in the future, following our versioning policy.

v2.1 Changelog

Following our versioning policy, some changes have been introduced in the 2.1 version of the Explore API. Some of them may not be backward compatible with the previous version:

Regarding endpoints:

Base URL

The Explore API is accessed using a base URL that is specific to a domain. In the examples provided in the documentation, we use the domain

URL paths start with /api/explore/v2.1. A path to a resource looks like this: https://<domain>/api/explore/v2.1/<resource>.

Getting Started

To try out the Explore API, you'll get the first two records from a dataset that includes monthly prices for gold.

You'll get data from a portal providing public access to data. So, you don't need an account or an API key.

Step 1: Find dataset information

For this example, you will use the GET records endpoint to list records from a dataset. So, you need the dataset identifier and the name of the field that stores the dates to build your request.

  1. Open a browser and go to the desired domain:

    The explore page lists all datasets on the domain.

  2. Click the desired dataset.

For this example, click "Gold Prices".

  1. Open the Information tab and check the dataset identifier.

In this example, the dataset identifier is gold-prices.

Step 2: Build your ODSQL query

In this example, you just want to retrieve the first set of two dataset records. The records returned by the request are grouped into pages. Pages are limited in size according to the number of records per page as specified by the limit parameter.

  1. To determine how many records to retrieve, start the query with a limit parameter. Since you only want to retrieve the first two records, use 2 as the parameter value.
  2. To determine the specific page of data to be returned, use an offset parameter. Since you only want to retrieve the first set of two records, use 0 as the parameter value or keep it unspecified, since 0 is the default value.
  3. Put all the elements together.

The complete query is limit=2&offset=0.

Step 3: Build your request

To retrieve data using the Explore API, use the GET HTTP method.

The path to a resource is made up of the following elements:

  • A domain: in this example, query the Explore API on the domain.
  • A resource: from the domain's catalog, retrieve the records of the gold-prices dataset.
  • A query: use the select=count(*)&group_by=year(date) query built in the previous step.

The complete path is

You can access the Explore API using curl or any HTTP client.

To make a query using curl, open a terminal and paste the following command:

curl -X GET ""

The response should look like this:

  "total_count": 384,
  "results": [
      "date": "1988-01",
      "price": 477.758
      "date": "1988-03",
      "price": 443.491

total_count shows the total number of records returned by the query.

The results array contains the two records returned by the request.

For example, we can see the first record contains two fields: date and price. Given the information from the first record, in January 1988 (1988-01), the gold price was $477.758 (477.758).

Next steps

Read the Opendatasoft Query Language (ODSQL) reference documentation. It will help you build queries, search and filter data from Opendatasoft portals.


An authenticated user can be granted access to restricted datasets and benefit from extended quotas for API calls. The API features an authentication mechanism for users to be granted their specific authorizations.

For the platform to authenticate a user, you need to either:

  • be logged in a portal, so a session cookie authenticating your user is passed along your API calls, or
  • provide an API key via the Authorization header or as a query parameter.

Finding and generating API keys

API keys are managed via your user profile page at https://<domain>/account/ or by clicking on your name in the header.

Go to the tab named My API keys to see your existing API keys, revoke them and create new ones.

Note: By default, every API key authenticates requests as coming from your user, which means they grant the same rights (yours) to any person using them. Therefore, you should not share your keys. For advanced usages, API key permissions can be edited using the API key Automation API.

Providing API keys within requests

If you try to access a private portal's catalog without being authenticated, the API returns a 401 Unauthorized error.

After generating an API key, you can use it to make authenticated requests. Depending on the permissions granted to the user for which the API key has been created, the JSON response contains only data about the datasets this user can access on the portal.

It is good practice to pass the API key to the Authorization header in the following format:

Authorization: Apikey <API_KEY>

Alternatively, you can pass the API key as a query parameter in the following format:


Replace <API_KEY>with your API key.

Note: We recommend passing the API key via a header over in a query parameter because headers are not stored in your browser history or server logs, minimizing the risk of exposure of your API key.

Using OAuth2 authorization

Opendatasoft implements the OAuth2 authorization flow, allowing third-party application makers to access the data hosted on an Opendatasoft platform on behalf of a user while never having to deal with a password, avoiding any user credential being compromised.

The Opendatasoft OAuth2 authorization flow is compliant with RFC 6749 and uses Bearer Tokens in compliance with RFC 6750.

Application developers who want to use the Opendatasoft APIs with OAuth2 must go through the following steps:

  1. Register their application with the Opendatasoft platform.
  2. Request approval from users via an OAuth2 authorization grant.
  3. Request a bearer token that will allow them to query the Opendatasoft platform APIs for a limited amount of time.
  4. Refresh the Bearer Token when it expires.

Currently, applications are registered on a specific domain and can only access data on this domain.

Register an application for OAuth2 authentication

  1. Go to the My applications tab of your account page on the domain you want to register the application on.
  2. Fill the registration form with the following information:
    • Application name: the name of the application
    • Type:
      • confidential: client password is kept secret from the user and only used from a trusted environment (e.g., a web service, where the client password is stored server-side and never sent to the user)
      • public: client password is embedded in a client-side application, making it potentially available to the world (e.g., a mobile or desktop application)
    • Redirection URL: the URL users will be redirected to after they have granted you permission to access their data
  3. Store the resulting client ID and client secret that will be needed to perform the next steps.

Getting an authorization grant

  1. Redirect users to /oauth2/authorize/ with the appropriate query parameters.
  2. The user will then be authenticated in the platform and redirected to a page identifying your application.
  3. From there, the user will review the information you filled in the form described above and the scope of the requested access and grant your application the right to access their data.
  4. Once the user has accepted those terms, they will be redirected to your application's redirection URL with query parameters describing your authorization grant.

The query parameters you need to supply when redirecting the user are the following:

  • client_id: the client ID you were given during registration
  • redirect_uri: the redirect URI you provided during registration
  • response_type: this should always be set to code
  • scopes (optional): a list of space-separated requested scopes. Currently, only all is supported.
  • state (optional): a random string of your choice

The state parameter is not mandatory, but providing one is recommended for security reasons to verify the returned value provided in the authorization grant redirect.

Example of a call to /oauth2/authorize/:

GET /oauth2/authorize/?
scope=all HTTP/1.1

The authorization grant redirect will have these values:

  • code: a 30-characters-long authorization code
  • state: the state passed in the request described above

The 30-character authorization code must now be converted into a bearer token within 1 hour before expiring.

Here is an example of redirection following a successful authorization:

HTTP/1.0 302 FOUND


Converting an authorization grant to a bearer token

To receive a bearer token, convert the previously obtained authorization grant via a POST request to /oauth2/token/ with the following parameters:

  • client_id: the client ID you were given during registration
  • client_secret: the client secret you were given during registration
  • redirect_uri: the redirect URI you provided during registration
  • grant_type: this should always be set to authorization_code
  • code: the 30-character authorization code received as an authorization grant
  • scopes (optional): a list of space-separated requested scopes. Currently, only all is supported.
  • state (optional): a random string of your choice

Example call to /oauth2/token/:

POST /oauth2/token/ HTTP/1.1


Alternative call with an Authorization header:

POST /oauth2/token/ HTTP/1.1

Authorization: Basic Y2lkOmNzYw==


Alternatively, you can pass your client ID and client secret through the Authorization header

The response to this request is a JSON representation of a bearer token, which contains the following values:

  • access_token: the token you can use to access the user's data.
  • expires_in: the number of seconds before token expiration
  • token_type: the type of the token. It will always be Bearer
  • state: the state passed in the request described above
  • scope: the list of scopes of this authorization code
  • refresh_token: a refresh token that can be used to renew this bearer token when expired

Unlike the access token, which can be used any number of times until expiration, the refresh token doesn't expire but can only be used once.

Example response for a bearer token request:

HTTP/1.0 200 OK

Content-Type: application/json
  "access_token": "9kxoTUYvSxnAiMpv008NBqRiqk5xWt",
  "expires_in": 3600,
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "state": "ilovedata",
  "scope": "all",
  "refresh_token": "jFfDUcsK9zzNMs1zwczzJxGrimPtmf"

Using the bearer token

The bearer token can be passed along requests for authentication in three different ways:

  • as a query parameter of the request
GET /api/end/point?access_token=9kxoTUYvSxnAiMpv008NBqRiqk5xWt HTTP/1.1
  • in the request's Authorization header
GET /api/end/point HTTP/1.1

Authorization: Bearer 9kxoTUYvSxnAiMpv008NBqRiqk5xWt
  • in the request body
GET /api/end/point HTTP/1.1


Refreshing a bearer token

To refresh an expired bearer token, send a request to the /oauth2/token/ endpoint, with the following query parameters:

  • client_id: the client ID you were given during registration
  • client_secret: the client secret you were given during registration
  • refresh_token: the refresh token returned in the bearer token response
  • grant_type: this should always be set to refresh_token
  • scopes: a list of space-separated requested scopes. Currently, only all is supported.
  • state (optional): a random string of your choice

The response to this request is identical to the bearer token response.

Example token refresh call:

POST /oauth2/token/ HTTP/1.1


Opendatasoft Query Language (ODSQL)

Filtering features are built in the core of the Opendatasoft API engine.

The Opendatasoft Query Language (ODSQL) makes it possible to express complex queries as a filtering context for datasets or records and build aggregations or computed fields.

A given filtering context can simply be copied from one API to another. For example, it is possible to build a user interface that allows the user to visually select the records they are interested in, using full-text search, facets, and geo-filtering. Then, it allows them to download these records with the same filtering context.

The ODSQL is split into five different kinds of clauses:

  • The select clause allows choosing the returned fields, giving them an alias, manipulating them with functions like count, sum, min, max, etc.
  • The where clause acts as a filter for the returned datasets or records, thanks to boolean operations, filter functions, arithmetic expressions, etc.
  • The group by clause allows aggregating rows together based on fields, numeric ranges, or dates.
  • The order by and limit clauses allow choosing the order and quantity of rows received as a response.

These clauses are used as parameters in the Explore API v2 for searching, aggregating, and exporting datasets and records. Depending on the used endpoint, some features of the query language are available or not in the request.

Note: the whole query language is case insensitive, and spaces are optional. In this documentation, the uppercase is used for language keywords, only for clarity purposes.

Language elements

ODSQL clauses are composed of basic language elements. These can either be field names or aliases, literals or reserved keywords.

Field names

A field name is made of alphanumeric characters and underscores and refers to a field of a dataset or to a dynamically created field that only exists during the query (a.k.a. an alias).

Note: if a field name contains only numbers or is a keyword, it must be enclosed in back quotes.

Examples of a field names:

my_field > 10  -- my_field is a field name

`12` > 10  -- without back quotes, 12 would be considered a numeric literal

`and`: "value" -- AND is a keyword, `and` represents a field name then

Literals in ODSQL clauses

Literals are fixed values of a specific type and can be used in comparison, assignments, or functions.

There are 6 types of literal:

  • string
  • numeric
  • date
  • boolean
  • geometry
  • null

String literal

A string literal is a literal enclosed in either single or double quotes.

Examples of a string literal:


"Multiple words"

'Using single quotes'

Note: \ (backslash) character can be used to escape special characters. For example to escape a single quote: 'Don\'t worry'.

Numeric literal

A numeric literal is either an integer or a decimal value. It is not enclosed in quotes.

Examples of numeric literals:



my_field > 108.7

Date literal

A date literal is defined with a date keyword followed by a valid date format enclosed in single quotes.

A valid date can be:

  • an ISO 8601 date, or
  • a slash-separated date in the YYYY/MM/DD (year/month/day) format.

Examples of a date literal:



Boolean literal

A boolean literal can either be a TRUE or a FALSE keyword (case insensitive). It should be used in boolean filters.

Example of a boolean literal:

my_boolean_field is TRUE

my_boolean_field: FALSE

Geometry literal

A geometry literal is defined with a geom keyword followed by a valid geometry expression enclosed in single quotes.

Supported geometry expressions are:

Example of a geometry literal:

within_distance(my_geo_field, geom'POINT(1 1)', 10km)

geometry(my_geo_field, geom'{"type": "Polygon","coordinates":[[[100.0,
0.0],[101.0, 0.0],[101.0, 1.0],[100.0, 1.0],[100.0,0.0]]]}')

Null literal

The null literal (case insensitive) is used to represent the absence of a value.

It is present in the is null filter to test whether a field has a value or not.

Reserved keywords in ODSQL clauses

Reserved keywords can be used inside clauses for building ODSQL expressions.

When used in a clause as a field literal, the reserved keyword must be escaped with back quotes.

List of reserved keywords:

  • and
  • as
  • asc
  • avg
  • by
  • count
  • date_format
  • day
  • dayofweek
  • desc
  • distinct
  • equi
  • false
  • group
  • hour
  • ifnull
  • or
  • limit
  • lower
  • max
  • millisecond
  • min
  • minute
  • month
  • not
  • null
  • quarter
  • range
  • search
  • second
  • select
  • sum
  • top
  • true
  • upper
  • where
  • year

For example, not is a reserved keyword and must be escaped with back quotes if referred to as a field literal:

my_field_literal is not true -- my_field_literal is not a reserved keyword, there's no need to escape it

`not` is not true -- not is a reserved keyword and must be escaped

Handling null values

A null value in a dataset is used when the value in a field is unknown or missing. It means that there is no data for a field in a record.

Each clause behaves differently to handle null values:

  • When selecting a field in a select clause, null values are represented as null.
  • When filtering with a where clause, a comparison involving at least one null value is false, meaning that null values are filtered out of the result.
  • When grouping with a group_by clause, no group exists for null values in v2.0, a null group do exist starting with v2.1
  • When sorting with an order_by clause, null values come after all other values, regardless of the sorting direction (i.e., ascending or descending).

Default handling of null values can be changed by filtering using the is null filter or replacing null values by an alternative value or expression using the ifnull function.

Select clause

The select clause can be used in records Explore APIs as the parameter select.

The select clause allows:

  • choosing the fields that will be returned for each row,
  • transforming fields using arithmetic,
  • renaming fields,
  • adding computed virtual fields to fields, and
  • including or excluding fields based on a pattern.

A select clause is composed of a single select expression or a list of comma-separated expressions.

A select expression can be:

  • a field literal,
  • an include/exclude function,
  • an arithmetic expression, or
  • an aggregation function.

Except for the include/exclude function, a select expression can define a label with the keyword AS. This label will be used in the output of the API as key for the select expression result.

Select field names

A select field name is the simplest form of select expression. It takes a field name that must be returned in the result. It also accepts the special character * to select all fields (it is the default behavior).

If a select expression is used in conjunction with a group by clause, the selected field name must be in the group by clause.

Examples of a select field literal:

*                           -- Select all fields

field1, field2, field3      -- Only select field1, field2, and field3

field1 AS my_field, field2  -- Renaming field1 as my_field and select field2

Select aggregation

Like in the SQL language, a select can also express an aggregation expression.

The following aggregation functions are available:

Examples of an aggregation expression:

SUM(population) as sum_population -- Will compute the sum of all values for the field `population` returned as sum_population

COUNT(*) -- Return number of elements

Where clause

The where clause can be used in the whole Explore API as the parameter where.

The where clause allows one to filter rows with a combination of boolean expressions.

A where expression can be:

  • a search query
  • a filter function
  • a comparison filter
  • an equality filter

Where expressions can be combined with boolean operators and grouped via parenthesis.

Example of a where clause with boolean operators:

my_numeric_field > 10 and my_text_field like "paris" or within_distance(my_geo_field, geom'POINT(1 1)', 1km)

This where clause filters results where numeric_field > 10 and (my_text_field contains the word paris or distance between my_geo_field and the point with 1,1 as lat,lon is under 1 kilometer)

Note: it is generally possible to use multiple where clauses on an API endpoint. They are combined with a boolean AND in that case.

Boolean operators

Where expressions can use boolean operators to express boolean filter.

There are 3 different boolean operations:

  • AND: results must match left and right expressions
  • OR: results must match left or right expression
  • NOT: inverses the next expression

AND has precedence over the OR operator. It means that, in the expression a or b and c, the sub-expression b and c is interpreted and executed first. It can also be written with parenthesis: a or (b and c).

In order to change operator precedence, it is possible to use parenthesis in the expression. To give precedence to the OR operator, the above expression can be written (a or b) and c.

Examples of a boolean operator:

my_boolean_field OR my_numeric_field > 50 and my_date_field > date'1972'
-- Results can have my_boolean_field to true. They can also have my_numeric_field greater than 50 and my_date_field older than 1972

(my_boolean_field OR my_numeric_field > 50) and my_date_field > date'1972'
-- Results must have my_date_field older than 1972. They also must have my_boolean_field to true or my_numeric_field greater than 50

Search query filter

Filter search queries are queries that don’t refer to fields. They only contain quoted strings and boolean operators. Filter search queries perform full-text searches on all visible fields of each record and return matching rows.

If the string contains more than one word, the query will be an AND query on each tokenized word.

Examples of a search query:


"tree" AND "flower"

"tree" OR "car"

NOT "dog"

"dog" AND NOT "cat"

Examples of a search query with multiple words:

"film"           -- returns results that contain film

"action movies"  -- returns results that contain action and movies.

Filter functions

Filter functions are built-in functions that can be used in a where clause.

Available filter functions are:

Comparison operators

Three types of comparison operators can be used in a where clause:

Group by clause

The group by clause can be used in the Explore API as the parameter group_by.

The group by clause creates groups from data depending on a group by expression. Groups of data cannot be returned directly and aggregation functions in the select clause have to be used to "summarize" and return a value for each group. An operation of "aggregation" can then be described by two parts: the group_by part that make groups of rows of data from a specific criterion and an aggregation function in the select clause to reduce each group to a row.

A group by clause can contain:

  • a single group by expression, or
  • a list of comma-separated group by expressions.

Like select expressions, a group by expression can have an AS statement to give it a label.

A group by expression can be:

Example of a simple group by expression with a label:

group_by=my_field as myfield

Example of multiple group by expressions with a label:

group_by=my_field1,my_field2 as my_field

Empty group by

When no group_by part is expressed, rows of data are implicitly grouped into an sole group and aggregation functions are computed on the whole set of records.

Group by field

A group by field expression allows the grouping of specified field values. It creates a group for each different field value.

Format: group_by=<field_literal>

Example of a simple group by field expression



  • Starting with v2.1, grouping by geopoint or geoshape fields is not supported directly anymore. Please use the geo_cluster() grouping function to make groups out of geo points.
  • Starting with v2.1, grouping by a date field now formats the key of each group as a string representing the ISO formatting of the date, when it was an integer timestamp in v2.0

Order by clause

The order by clause can be used to sort rows returned by a query.

The parameter order_by adds an order by clause to an API query. It accepts a list of comma-separated expressions followed by a direction:

  • ASC for ascending
  • DESC for descending

Format: order_by = expression [ ASC | DESC ], ...

An order by expression can be:

The direction, if not specified, is ASC (ascending) by default. The random sorting will circumvent the default direction.

Note: when ordering by both aggregations and fields, the aggregation order must be at the head of the list. For example, order_by = avg(age), gender works, but order_by = gender, avg(age) returns an error.

Examples of an order by clause

group_by=city & order_by=city ASC -- Order cities alphabetically

group_by=city & order_by=count(*) DESC -- Order each city by its number of records

select=count(*) as population_count & group_by=city  & order_by=population_count DESC -- Order each city by its number of records, using a label

group_by=city, year(birth_date) as birth_year & order_by=city DESC, birth_year ASC -- Order by city and then by year of birth

ODSQL functions


Syntax: length(<text_literal>|<text_field>)

Returned type: integer

Clauses where it can be used: select, where, order_by

Returns the string length of its parameter, i.e. the number of characters that composes the string.


Syntax: now(<optional_named_parameters>)

Returned type: datetime

Clauses where it can be used: select, where, order_by

Parameters to the now() function

Examples, assuming the current date time is 2021-05-06 12:34:55.450500+00:00, which is a Thursday

now() -- Returns '2021-05-06T12:34:55.450500+00:00'
now(year=2000) -- Sets the year component to return '2000-05-06T12:34:55.450500+00:00'
now(years=-1) -- Sets the year to one year ago which is '2020-05-06T12:34:55.450500+00:00'
now(year=2001, months=-1) -- Sets the year to 2001 and subtract 1 month to return '2000-04-06T12:34:55.450500+00:00'
now(day=31,month=2) -- Sets the day to 31, then the month to 2. The actual day part is rounded to 28 '2021-02-28T12:34:55.450500+00:00'
now(weekday=0) -- Sets the day to the next Monday which is '2021-05-10T12:34:55.450500+00:00'
now(mondays=+1) -- Sets the day to the next Monday which is also '2021-05-10T12:34:55.450500+00:00'
now(mondays=-1) -- Sets the day to the previous Monday which is '2021-05-03T12:34:55.450500+00:00'

Without any parameters, the now() function returns the current date and time.

The function may also be called with named parameters to set or modify certain parts of the current date and time.

With each parameter, an integer value is required, interpreted as an absolute value or as a relative value to a part of the current date and time.

Parameter names in their singular form will set a certain part of the current date and time to the given value. Parameter names written in plural will add or subtract the given value to a part of the current date and time.

If a parameter is used multiple times in the call, only the last one is actually used, the others are ignored.

Parameter name Accepted values Description
year 1 to 9999 Year component
years Any integer Value to add to or subtract from the year component
month 1 to 12 Month component
months Any integer Value to add to or subtract from the month component, then the year component in case of overflow
day Any positive integer Day component, rounded to the maximum valid day number for the current month
days Any integer Value to add to or subtract from the day component, then the month component in case of overflow
hour 0 to 23 Hour component
hours Any integer Value to add to or subtract from the hour component, then the day component in case of overflow
minute 0 to 59 Minute component
minutes Any integer Value to add to or subtract from the minute component, then the hour component in case of overflow
second 0 to 59 Second component
seconds Any integer Value to add to or subtract from the second component, then the minute component in case of overflow
microsecond 0 to 999999 Microsecond component
microseconds Any integer Value to add to or subtract from the microsecond component, then the second component in case of overflow
weekday 0 to 6 Day of the week, 0 for monday to 6 for sunday
mondays Any integer Number of Mondays to add to or subtract from the current date
tuesdays Any integer Number of Tuesdays to add to or subtract from the current date
wednesdays Any integer Number of Wednesdays to add to or subtract from the current date
thursdays Any integer Number of Thursdays to add to or subtract from the current date
fridays Any integer Number of Fridays to add to or subtract from the current date
saturdays Any integer Number of Saturdays to add to or subtract from the current date
sundays Any integer Number of Sundays to add to or subtract from the current date


Syntax: year(<date_literal>|<date_field>|<datetime_literal>|<datetime_field>)

Returned type: integer

Clauses where it can be used: select, where, order_by, group_by

Returns the year number of a date or datetime as a string.


Syntax: month(<date_literal>|<date_field>|<datetime_literal>|<datetime_field>)

Returned type: integer

Clauses where it can be used: select, where, order_by, group_by

Returns the month number (between 1 and 12) of a date or datetime as a string.


Syntax: day(<date_literal>|<date_field>|<datetime_literal>|<datetime_field>)

Returned type: integer

Clauses where it can be used: select, where, order_by, group_by

Returns the day number of the month (between 1 and 31) of a date or datetime as a string.


Syntax: hour(<date_literal>|<date_field>|<datetime_literal>|<datetime_field>)

Returned type: integer

Clauses where it can be used: select, where, order_by, group_by

Returns the hour number (between 0 and 23) of a date or datetime as a string.


Syntax: minute(<date_literal>|<date_field>|<datetime_literal>|<datetime_field>)

Returned type: integer

Clauses where it can be used: select, where, order_by, group_by

Returns the minute number (between 0 and 59) of a date or datetime as a string.


Syntax: second(<date_literal>|<date_field>|<datetime_literal>|<datetime_field>)

Returned type: integer

Clauses where it can be used: select, where, order_by, group_by

Returns the second number (between 0 and 59) of a date or datetime as a string.


Syntax: date_format(<date>, <date_format>)


  • <date>: a date field,
  • <date_format>: a string describing how to format the date (see below)

Returned type: string.

Clauses where it can be used: select, where, order_by, group_by

<date_format> is a string, where each character or group of characters will be replaced by parts of the date in the returned string.

The following formats are available for a date format expression:

Symbol Description Examples
yy or YY year on two digits 20
yyyy or YYYY year on four digits 2020
xx weekyear* on two digits 96
xxxx weekyear* on four digits 1996
w week of weekyear 7
ww week of weekyear, left-padded with 0 07
e day of week, as a number, 1 for Monday to 7 for Sunday 2
E day of week, abbreviated name sun.
EEEE day of week, full name Sunday
D day of year 89
DDD day of year, left-padded with 0 089
M month of year 7
MM month of year, left-padded with 0 07
MMMM month of year, full name July
d day of month 8
dd day of month, left-padded with 0 08
H hour of day, 0-23 9
HH hour of day, 00-23, left-padded with 0 09
m minute of hour, 0-59 13
mm minute of hour, 00-59, left-padded with 0 09
s second of minute, 0-59 13
ss second of minute, 00-59, left-padded with 0 09

*Years and week years differ slightly. For more information, see the definition of week years.

The date format can contain free text that won't be interpreted. The free text must be surrounded by single quotes '.

To insert a single quote in the final string, it must be doubled.

Some special characters can also be used as delimiters between date components: ?, ,, ., :, / and -.

Examples of a date_format function, where date_field = '2007-11-20T01:23:45':

date_format(date_field, 'dd/MM/YYYY') -- Returns '20/11/2007'

date_format(date_field, "'The date is 'dd/MM/YYYY") -- Returns 'The date is

date_format(date_field, "'The date is '''dd/MM/YYYY''") -- Returns "The date
is '20/11/2007'"

date_format(date_field, 'E') -- Returns 'mar.'

date_format(date_field, 'EEEE') -- Returns 'mardi'

date_format(date_field, 'H') -- Returns '1'

date_format(date_field, 'HH') -- Returns '01'

date_format(date_field, 'yy') -- Returns '07'

date_format(date_field, 'yyyy') -- Returns '2007'

date_format(date_field, 'M') -- Returns '11'

date_format(date_field, 'MM') -- Returns '11'

When used in the where clause, date_format must be compared to string values.

Example of a date_format function used in a where clause:

where=date_format(date_field, 'dd') = '08'

You can use the lang parameter to force the output language.


Syntax: json_format(<text_field>,[<fallback>[<null>|<text_literal>]])

Returned type: text or json

Clause where it can be used: select


Formats the text field into JSON if possible. If the text can be transformed into valid JSON, it returns the formatted JSON string. If the text cannot be transformed into valid JSON, it returns either the fallback value if provided or the original string.

  • <text_field> (mandatory): A text field to be formatted into JSON. It cannot be multivalued.

  • <fallback> (optional): A fallback string to return if the text cannot be transformed into valid JSON. If omitted, the original string is returned in case of invalid JSON.

Note: On /exports, except with the JSON export format, this function returns the original text value.

Example of a json_format function used in a select clause:


select=json_format(text_field, 'bad json')

select=json_format(text_field, null)


Syntax: ifnull(<expression>, <alternative_expression>)


  • <expression>: a field or an expression
  • <alternative_expression>: an alternative field, expression or literal

Clauses where it can be used: select, where, order_by, group_by

Returned type: the type of <expression> when not null

Returned value: the result of <alternative_expression> if <expression> returns a null value. The result of <expression> otherwise.

The returned type of <expression> and <alternative_expression> should be the same.

For group_by clause, expressions are restricted to fields and literals.

Examples of ifnull function, where int_field contains some null values:

ifnull(int_field, 0) -- value of int_field is 0 for each row that contains a null value

include() and exclude()

Syntax: include(<field_name_pattern>)

Syntax: exclude(<field_name_pattern>)

Clauses where it can be used: select only

Include and exclude are functions that accept fields names.

Fields listed in an include function are present in the result, whereas fields listed in an exclude function are absent from the result.

Fields can contain a wildcard suffix (the * character). In that case, the inclusion/exclusion works on all field names beginning with the value preceding the wildcard.

Note: include() and exclude() are pseudo functions: they do not return a value, but are used as a declaration to constrain the list of returned fields.

Examples of an include/exclude:

include(pop) -- will only include fields which name is pop

exclude(pop) -- will exclude fields which name is pop

include(pop*) -- Will include fields beginning with pop

Arithmetic operators

An arithmetic expression accepts simple arithmetic operations. It accepts field names, numeric constants or text values, and scalar functions. More complex arithmetic expressions can be formed by connecting these elements with arithmetic operators:

  • +: add
  • -: subtract
  • *: multiply
  • /: divide

Note: A division by zero returns a null value.

Arithmetic operators are only defined on numeric values.

Examples of arithmetic expressions:

2 * population -- the value of the field `population` doubled

"hello" -- the constant string "hello"

length(country_name) -- the string length of the field `country_name`


Syntax: random ( <integer> )

Clauses where it can be used: order_by only

The <integer> is the seed of the random function. When using the random function with one same seed, it will return the same random order each time.

Examples of an order by random

group_by=city & order_by=random(1) -- Order cities randomly

group_by=city & order_by=random(1) -- Order cities randomly in the exact same order as the first example

group_by=city & order_by=random(2) -- Order cities randomly in a different order than the first example


Syntax: distance(<geo_field>, <center_geometry>)

Clauses where it can be used: select, order_by

Returned type: numeric

Examples of a distance function:

distance(field_name, GEOM'<geometry>')

The distance function computes arc distance between geo_point field and a point geometry as reference. Distance (in m) can be returned using select and/or used to sort records.

ODSQL predicates

Predicates are functions that return a boolean value (true or false). They can be used to filter results in the where clause.


Syntax: search(<text_field>|*, <text_literal>) where:

  • first parameters are the set of fields on which the search is done:
    • * or empty to search on all visible fields
    • a subset of field names separated with a comma ,
  • the string to search for as last parameter

Clauses where it can be used: where only

Returned type: boolean

The search() function performs a full-text query on all selected fields of each record and return matching records.

It is a fuzzy search and a prefix search: <test_literal> is first split into terms separated by a space, the first terms are searched for with a certain level of fuziness (see below), and the last term is a prefix search. The level of fuziness for each term depends on the length of the term:

The matching is case insensitive.

Examples of a search function:

search(title, "bok of secret")  -- will match "THE BOOK OF SECRETS"


Syntax: suggest(<text_field>|*, <text_literal>) where:

  • first parameters are the set of fields on which the search is done:
    • * or empty to search on all visible fields
    • a subset of field names separated with a comma ,
  • the string to search for as last parameter

Clauses where it can be used: where only

Returned type: boolean

Examples of a suggest function:

suggest(*, "film")  -- returns results that contain film, films, filmography, etc. in at least one visible field
suggest("film")  -- equivalent to the above query
search(title, "secret")  -- will match "THE BOOK OF SECRETS"

suggest(text_field, other_text_field, "film")  -- same search but in text_field or other_text_field
suggest(text_field, "film") OR suggest(other_text_field, "film") -- equivalent to the above query

suggest(text_field, "film") AND suggest(other_text_field, "film") -- returns results that contain film, films, filmography, etc. in both fields

The suggest() function performs a full-text query on all selected fields of each record and return matching records. It is a prefix search: it matches the text fields that contain terms beginning with the searched string.

The matching is case insensitive.

Note: this function may miss some results that match the prefix when it is used with small prefixes.


Syntax: startswith(<text_field>|*, <text_literal>) where:

  • first parameters are the set of fields on which the search is done:
    • * or empty to search on all visible fields
    • a subset of field names separated with a comma ,
  • the string to search for as last parameter

Clauses where it can be used: where only

Returned type: boolean

Examples of a startswith function:

startswith(id, "ID4536")  -- will match id that start with "ID4536"
startswith(title, "SECRET")  -- will match "SECRET DEFENSE" but not "THE BOOK OF SECRETS", nor "book of secret"

The startswith() function performs a text query on all selected fields of each record and return matching records. It is a prefix search: it matches the text fields that contain strings beginning with the searched string. Contrary to the suggest() function, the comparison is made on the whole string, without splitting it by spaces and forming terms before.

The matching is case sensitive.


Syntax: within_distance(<geo_field>, <center_geometry>, <distance><unit>)

Clauses where it can be used: where only

Returned type: boolean

Examples of a within_distance function:

within_distance(field_name, GEOM'<geometry>', 1km)

within_distance(field_name, GEOM'<geometry>', 100yd)

The within_distance function limits the result set to a geographical area defined by a circle. This circle must be defined by its center and a distance.

  • The center of the circle is expressed as a geometry literal.

  • The distance is numeric and can have a unit in:

    • miles (mi)
    • yards (yd)
    • feet (ft)
    • meters (m)
    • centimeters (cm)
    • kilometers (km)
    • millimeters (mm)


Syntax: in_bbox(<geo_field>, lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2)

Clauses where it can be used: where only

Returned type: boolean

This function limits the results to records that have their <geo_field> contained in a given bounding box. The bounding box is expressed by giving its two extreme points: (lat1, lon1) for the latitude and longitude of the first point and (lat2, lon2) for the latitude and longitude of the second point.


Syntax: intersects(<geo_field>, <geometry_literal>)

Clauses where it can be used: where only

Returned type: boolean

Examples of a geometry function:

intersects(geo_shape, geom'POLYGON((2.331161 48.869762, 2.3600006 48.87574, 2.373046875 48.85101, 2.3503875 48.84209, 2.3376846 48.85451, 2.3311614 48.869762))')

The intersects function limits the result set to a geographical area that intersects a given geometry.

This function must be defined with a geometry literal.


Syntax: disjoint(<geo_field>, <geometry_literal>)

Clauses where it can be used: where only

Returned type: boolean

Examples of a geometry function:

disjoint(geo_shape, geom'POLYGON((2.331161 48.869762, 2.3600006 48.87574, 2.373046875 48.85101, 2.3503875 48.84209, 2.3376846 48.85451, 2.3311614 48.869762))')

The disjoint function limits the result set to a geographical area that is disjoint from a given geometry.

This function must be defined with a geometry literal.


Syntax: within(<geo_field>, <geometry_literal>)

Clauses where it can be used: where only

Returned type: boolean

Examples of a within function:

within(geo_shape, geom'POLYGON((2.331161 48.869762, 2.3600006 48.87574, 2.373046875 48.85101, 2.3503875 48.84209, 2.3376846 48.85451, 2.3311614 48.869762))')

The within function limits the result set to a geographical area that lie within a given geometry.

This function must be defined with a geometry literal.

Text comparison operators

Clauses where it can be used: where only

= Perform an exact query (not tokenized and not normalized) on the specified field

Numeric comparison operators

Clauses where it can be used: where only

= Match a numeric value
>,<,>=,<= Return results whose field values are larger, smaller, larger or equal, smaller or equal to the given value

Date comparison operators

Clauses where it can be used: where only

= Match a date
>,<,>=,<= Return results whose field date are after or before the given value

Boolean field filter


  • <boolean_field>
  • <boolean_field> is (true|false)

Clauses where it can be used: where only

A boolean field filter takes a boolean field and restricts results only if the boolean value is true.

There are 2 ways of creating a filter expression:

  • with a field literal only: in that case, it filters the result where the field literal value is true
  • with a field literal followed by the is keyword, then true or false keywords

Examples of a boolean field filter:

my_boolean_field          -- Filters results where boolean_field is true

my_boolean_field is false -- Filters results where boolean_field is false

where <field_literal> must be a valid boolean field

IN filter


  • on a numeric range: <field_literal> IN (]|[)<numeric_literal> (TO|..) <numeric_literal>(]|[)
  • on a date range: <field_literal> IN (]|[)<date_literal> (TO|..) <date_literal>(]|[)
  • on a list: <field_literal> IN (<literal>, <literal>*)
  • on a multivalued field: <literal> IN <field_literal>

Clauses where it can be used: where only

An IN filter restricts results using a search in a list or a range of values.

There are 3 ways of using an IN filter:

  • to search that a field's value is present in a numeric or a date range.
  • to search that a field's value is present in a list of literals.
  • to search that a literal value is present in a multivalued field's values.

Example of an IN filter expression on a numeric range:

numeric_field IN [1..10] -- Filters results such as 1 <= numeric_field <= 10

numeric_field IN ]1..10[ -- Filters results such as 1 < numeric_field < 10

Example of an IN filter expression on a date range:

date_field IN [date'2017''2018'] -- Filters results such as date_field date is between year 2017 and 2018

Example of an IN filter expression on a list of literals:

my_field IN ("Paris", "Nantes", "Lorient", "Besançon") -- Filters results such as my_field is equal to "Paris", "Nantes", "Lorient" or "Besançon"

Example of an IN filter expression on a multivalued field:

"Paris" IN multivalued_text_field -- Filters results such as the literal "Paris" is present in the multivalued field
15 IN multivalued_int_field -- Same as above but with an integer literal
12.087 IN mutlivalued_decimal_field -- Same as above but with a decimal literal
true IN mutlivalued_boolean_field -- Same as above but with a boolean literal

IS NULL filter


  • <field> is null
  • <field> is not null

Clauses where it can be used: where only

A null field filter takes a field and restricts results only if the field values are null. The opposite filter, is not null, takes a field and restricts results only if the field values are not null.

Examples of a null filter expression:

film_name is null      -- matches records where film_name is null

film_name is not null  -- matches records where film_name is not null

ODSQL aggregate functions

Aggregation functions are functions that perform a computation on a set of values and return one value. They are usually used in conjunction with a group_by clause.


Syntax: avg(<numeric_field>)

Clauses where it can be used: select, order_by

Returned type: numeric

This function takes a numeric field. It returns the average (avg) of this field over a group.

Example of an avg aggregation:

avg(population) as avg_population -- Return the average of the population


Syntax: count(<field>|*)

Clauses where it can be used: select, order_by

Returned type: integer

This function computes a number of elements.

It accepts the following parameters:

  • a field name: only returns the count for non-null values of this field
  • a *: returns the count of all elements

Examples of a count aggregation:

count(*) -- Return number of elements

count(population) as population_count_not_empty -- Return number of elements where `population` field is not empty


Syntax: count(distinct <field>|*)

Clauses where it can be used: select, order_by

Returned type: integer

This function computes the unique numbers of elements, eliminating the repetitive appearance of the same data.

It accepts the following parameters:

  • a field name: only returns the number of unique non-null values of this field.
  • the function ifnull(<ods_field>, <alternative_expression>): same as above, but replace all null values with an alternative expression before counting. See the documentation of the ifnull function for more details on its syntax.

Note: For performance reasons, the count is always approximated.

Examples of a count distinct aggregation:

count(distinct species) -- Return the number of unique values for the field species

count(distinct ifnull(species, "'unknown'")) -- Same as above, but null values will be counted as equals to 'unknown'


Syntax: envelope(<geo_point_field>)

Clauses where it can be used: select

Returned type: geo_shape

This function takes a geo_point field. It returns the convex hull (envelope) of all the points of the geo_point field.

Example of an envelope aggregation:

envelope(geo_point) as convex_hull -- Return the convex_hull for the geo_point field


Syntax: bbox(<geo_field>)

Clauses where it can be used: select

Returned type: geo_shape

This function takes a geo_point or a geo_shape field. It returns the bounding box of all the geometries.

Example of an bbox aggregation:

bbox(geo_point) -- Return the bounding box of all the points


Syntax: max(<numeric_field>|<date_field>)

Clauses where it can be used: select, order_by

Returned type: numeric or date

This function takes a numeric or a date field name. It returns the maximum value (max) of this field.

Example of a max aggregation:

max(population) as max_population -- Return max value for population field


Syntax: median(<numeric_field>)

Clauses where it can be used: select, order_by

Returned type: numeric

This function takes a numeric field name. It returns the median (median) of this field's values. Since the median is the 50th percentile, it is a shortcut for percentile(field, 50).

Example of a median aggregation:

median(age) as med -- Return the median of the age field


Syntax: max(<numeric_field>|<date_field>)

Clauses where it can be used: select, order_by

Returned type: numeric or date

This function takes a numeric or a date field name. It returns the minimum value (min) of this field.

Example of a min aggregation:

min(population) as min_population -- Return min value for population field


Syntax: percentile(<numeric_field>, <percentile>)

Clauses where it can be used: select, order_by

Returned type: numeric

This function takes a numeric field name and a percentile. It returns the nth percentile (percentile) of this field. Percentile must be a decimal value between 0 and 100.

Example of a percentile aggregation:

percentile(age, 1) as first_percentile -- Return the first percentile of the age field


Syntax: sum(<numeric_field>)

Clauses where it can be used: select, order_by

Returned type: numeric

This function takes a numeric field name as an argument. It returns the sum of all values for a field.

Example of a sum aggregation:

sum(population) as sum_population -- Return the sum of all values for the population field

ODSQL grouping functions

Grouping functions are functions that can be used in the group_by clause to separate a set of records into different sets that share a common property. An aggregate function can then be applied on each group separately.

range() - group by static ranges

Syntax for numerical ranges: range(<field_literal> [, *]?, <numeric_literal> [,<numeric_literal>]* [, *]?) where <field_literal> must be a numeric field

Syntax for date/datetime ranges: range(<field_literal> [, *]?, <date_literal> [,<date_literal>]* [, *]?) where <field_literal> must be a date or datetime field.

Clauses where it can be used: group_by only

The static range function takes a variable number of parameters:

  • a field name, and
  • a variable number of parameters. Each parameter can be a numerical literal, a date literal or the special syntax * to denote infinity.

A * as first step makes values lower than the lower bound included in the first group, a * as last step makes values greater than the upper bound included in the last group.

Note that the resulting aggregation includes the lower bound and excludes the higher bound.

Ranges can be set on numerical fields and on date/datetime fields.

For a recall, date literals are composed of the date identifier followed by a date in ISO format, e.g. date'2021-02-01'

Examples of a group by static ranges expression:

RANGE(population, *, 10, 50, 100, *)               -- Creates 4 groups: [*, 9], [10, 49], [50, 99] and [100, *]
RANGE(population, 20.5, *)                         -- Creates 1 group: [20.5, *[
RANGE(population, 1,2,3)                           -- Creates 2 groups: [1-1], [2, 2]
RANGE(date, *, date'2020-11-13', date'2021-01-01') -- Creates 2 groups: [*, 2020-11-13T00:00:00.000Z[ and [2020-11-13T00:00:00.000Z, 2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z[

range() - group by ranges of equal widths

Syntax for numerical fields: group_by=range(<field_literal>, <numeric_literal>) where <field_literal> must be a numeric field

Syntax for date/datetime fields: group_by=range(<field_literal>, <integer><interval_unit>) where <field_literal> must be a date/datetime field, and <interval_unit> is one of the following (case sensitive) string constants:

  • ms, millisecond or milliseconds,
  • s, second or seconds,
  • m, minute or minutes,
  • h, hour or hours,
  • d, day or days,
  • w, week or weeks,
  • M, month or months,
  • q, quarter or quarters,
  • y, year or years.

Note: For some interval units (week, month, quarter, and year), an interval value of more than one is not supported yet.

Clauses where it can be used: group_by only

It is possible to group values of a field by ranges of equal widths, also known as histograms.

Ranges of equal widths are supported for numerical fields and date/datetime fields.

The range function for ranges of equal widths takes for parameters:

  • a field name, and
  • the desired width of each group.

For date/datetime fields, the width of each group is expressed by a time interval with a special syntax (see above).

Note: groups that do not contain any data are not returned.

Example of a group by ranges of equal widths expression:

RANGE(population, 5)

5 is the desired width of each returned group. For values of a population field that span from 10 to 28, it creates the following groups:

- [10, 15[
- [15, 20[
- [20, 25[
- [25, 30[

Example of a date histogram:

RANGE(date, 1 day)

Groups created (one for each day):

- [2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, 2020-01-02T00:00:00.000Z[
- [2020-01-02T00:00:00.000Z, 2020-01-03T00:00:00.000Z[
- [2020-01-04T00:00:00.000Z, 2020-01-05T00:00:00.000Z[
- ...

No group is created for 2020-01-03 since no data is available for this day.


Syntax: group_by=geo_cluster(<geo_point_field>, <zoom_level>[, <radius>]) where:

  • <zoom_level> is an integer between 0 and 25
  • <radius> is an optional integer. It defaults to 40.

Clauses where it can be used: group_by only

This function groups points that are close to each other.

It first groups points by their geohash of a certain level. The level (or precision) of the used geohash grid is determined by both the zoom and the radius parameters:

  • zoom_level follows the "slippy map" zoom level hierarchy: at zoom level 0, one tile represents the whole planet and each sub level sub divides the tile into 4 sub tiles.
  • radius is expressed in pixels on a tile of 256x256 pixels at the given zoom_level
  • the geohash precision is the one where radius in meter is smaller than the geohash cell dimension

A second step merges groups that may have points that are very close. This is to circumvent the "grid" effect of the first step. e.g. At geohash grid level 1, France is split into 4 geohash cells "g", "u", "e" and "s" that cross somewhere north-east from Bordeaux. A dense group of points that lie in a small area around Bordeaux may be split into more than 1 bucket with the first step. This second step is here to join them back.

The join step is done by:

  • computing the centroid of each group in the first step, in addition to the list of points that lie within,
  • merging groups that have centroids that are closer than the distance given by the radius parameter


The development of the Explore API V2 continues, new features are added every month and bugs are fixed every week. To ensure that evolutions do not break any application, dashoard or usage, the team guarantees that:

  • ODSQL is backward compatible, new syntax cannot replace existing one
  • responses body are stable, new keys can be added but keys cannot be renamed or deleted
  • urls and endpoints are stable

Some features require to go deeper and to introduce a breaking change. A breaking change is a violation of one or multiple of our warranties listed above (e.g., a different syntax in ODSQL, a modification of the response body structure, etc.). To ensure that it won't break any existing usage, these changes will be part of a new API version.

An API version is composed of:

  • a stable url, which is /api/explore/v2.1 for the version ${{api_versi- an exhaustive documentation, available on the Helphub

When a new version is available, the team will communicate the release notes widely and be available to help on migration. Previous version response contains a header ODS-Explore-API-Deprecation.

Deprecation warnings

When a feature needs to be changed in a breaking way, the new behaviour is introduced in a new version and the behaviour stays the same for the current version. The API response may contain in this case dedicated HTTP headers that give information about the possible deprecation of a used feature:

  • ODS-Explore-API-Deprecation will contain deprecation messages (separated by ; if there are multiple messages). A deprecation message has the following formatting: <FEATURE_ID>: deprecation message. e.g. DATE_KEYS_AS_ISOFORMAT: Dates used in group keys are currently returned as timestamps and will be returned as standard formatted date strings in the next API version
  • Link contains the URL of the version changelog


API to enumerate datasets

Query catalog datasets

Retrieve available datasets.

query Parameters


  • select=size - Example of select, which only return the "size" field.
  • select=size * 2 as bigger_size - Example of a complex expression with a label, which returns a new field named "bigger_size" and containing the double of size field value.
  • select=dataset_id, fields - Example of a select in catalog ODSQL query to only retrieve dataset_id and schema of datasets.

A select expression can be used to add, remove or change the fields to return. An expression can be:

  • a wildcard ('*'): all fields are returned.
  • A field name: only the specified field is returned.
  • An include/exclude function: All fields matching the include or exclude expression are included or excluded. This expression can contain wildcard.
  • A complex expression. The result of the expression is returned. A label can be set for this expression, and in that case, the field will be named after this label.

A where filter is a text expression performing a simple full-text search that can also include logical operations (NOT, AND, OR...) and lots of other functions to perform complex and precise search operations.

For more information, see Opendatasoft Query Language (ODSQL) reference documentation.


Example: order_by=sum(age) desc, name asc

A comma-separated list of field names or aggregations to sort on, followed by an order (asc or desc).

Results are sorted in ascending order by default. To sort results in descending order, use the desc keyword.

integer [ -1 .. 100 ]
Default: 10

Number of items to return.

To use with the offset parameter to implement pagination.

The maximum possible value depends on whether the query contains a group_by clause or not.

For a query without a group_by:

  • the maximum value for limit is 100,
  • offset+limit should be less than 10000

For a query with a group_by:

  • the maximum value for limit is 20000,
  • offset+limit should be less than 20000

Note: If you need more results, please use the /exports endpoint.

integer >= 0
Default: 0

Index of the first item to return (starting at 0).

To use with the limit parameter to implement pagination.

Note: the maximum value depends on the type of query, see the note on limit for the details


Example: refine=modified:2020 - Return only the value 2020 from the modified facet.

A facet filter used to limit the result set. Using this parameter, you can refine your query to display only the selected facet value in the response.

Refinement uses the following syntax: refine=<FACETNAME>:<FACETVALUE>

For date, and other hierarchical facets, when refining on one value, all second-level values related to that entry will appear in facets enumeration. For example, after refining on the year 2019, the related second-level month will appear. And when refining on August 2019, the third-level day will appear.

refine must not be confused with a where filter. Refining with a facet is equivalent to selecting an entry in the left navigation panel.



  • exclude=city:Paris - Exclude the value Paris from the city facet. Facets enumeration will display Paris as excluded without any count information.
  • exclude=modified:2019/12 - Exclude the value 2019/12 from the modified facet. Facets enumeration will display 2020 as excluded without any count information.

A facet filter used to exclude a facet value from the result set. Using this parameter, you can filter your query to exclude the selected facet value in the response.

exclude uses the following syntax: exclude=<FACETNAME>:<FACETVALUE>

exclude must not be confused with a where filter. Excluding a facet value is equivalent to removing an entry in the left navigation panel.

Enum: "en" "fr" "nl" "pt" "it" "ar" "de" "es" "ca" "eu" "sv"

A language value.

If specified, the lang value override the default language, which is "fr". The language is used to format string, for example in the date_format function.

Default: "UTC"
  • timezone=UTC - UTC timezone
  • timezone=Europe/Paris - Paris timezone
  • timezone=US/Eastern - Eastern timezone
  • timezone=Europe/London - London timezone
  • timezone=Europe/Berlin - Berlin timezone

Set the timezone for datetime fields.

Timezone IDs are defined by the Unicode CLDR project. The list of timezone IDs is available in timezone.xml.


Example: group_by=city_field as city

A group by expression defines a grouping function for an aggregation. It can be:

  • a field name: group result by each value of this field
  • a range function: group result by range
  • a date function: group result by date

It is possible to specify a custom name with the 'as name' notation.

Default: false

If set to true, this parameter will add HATEOAS links in the response.

Default: false

If set to true, this parameter will add application metadata to the response.


Response samples

Content type
application/json; charset=utf-8
  • "total_count": 19,
  • "results": [

List export formats

List available export formats



Response samples

Content type
application/json; charset=utf-8

Export a catalog

Export a catalog in the desired format.

path Parameters
Enum: "csv" "data.json" "dcat" "dcat_ap_ch" "dcat_ap_de" "dcat_ap_se" "dcat_ap_sp" "dcat_ap_it" "dcat_ap_vl" "dcat_ap_benap" "dublin_core" "json" "rdf" "rss" "ttl" "xlsx"

Format specifier for the catalog export. dcat_ap_* formats are only available upon activation. See here to get the list of available export formats

query Parameters


  • select=size - Example of select, which only return the "size" field.
  • select=size * 2 as bigger_size - Example of a complex expression with a label, which returns a new field named "bigger_size" and containing the double of size field value.
  • select=dataset_id, fields - Example of a select in catalog ODSQL query to only retrieve dataset_id and schema of datasets.

A select expression can be used to add, remove or change the fields to return. An expression can be:

  • a wildcard ('*'): all fields are returned.
  • A field name: only the specified field is returned.
  • An include/exclude function: All fields matching the include or exclude expression are included or excluded. This expression can contain wildcard.
  • A complex expression. The result of the expression is returned. A label can be set for this expression, and in that case, the field will be named after this label.

A where filter is a text expression performing a simple full-text search that can also include logical operations (NOT, AND, OR...) and lots of other functions to perform complex and precise search operations.

For more information, see Opendatasoft Query Language (ODSQL) reference documentation.


Example: order_by=sum(age) desc, name asc

A comma-separated list of field names or aggregations to sort on, followed by an order (asc or desc).

Results are sorted in ascending order by default. To sort results in descending order, use the desc keyword.


Example: group_by=city_field as city

A group by expression defines a grouping function for an aggregation. It can be:

  • a field name: group result by each value of this field
  • a range function: group result by range
  • a date function: group result by date

It is possible to specify a custom name with the 'as name' notation.

integer >= -1
Default: -1

Number of items to return in export.

Use -1 (default) to retrieve all records

integer >= 0
Default: 0

Index of the first item to return (starting at 0).

To use with the limit parameter to implement pagination.

Note: the maximum value depends on the type of query, see the note on limit for the details


Example: refine=modified:2020 - Return only the value 2020 from the modified facet.

A facet filter used to limit the result set. Using this parameter, you can refine your query to display only the selected facet value in the response.

Refinement uses the following syntax: refine=<FACETNAME>:<FACETVALUE>

For date, and other hierarchical facets, when refining on one value, all second-level values related to that entry will appear in facets enumeration. For example, after refining on the year 2019, the related second-level month will appear. And when refining on August 2019, the third-level day will appear.

refine must not be confused with a where filter. Refining with a facet is equivalent to selecting an entry in the left navigation panel.



  • exclude=city:Paris - Exclude the value Paris from the city facet. Facets enumeration will display Paris as excluded without any count information.
  • exclude=modified:2019/12 - Exclude the value 2019/12 from the modified facet. Facets enumeration will display 2020 as excluded without any count information.

A facet filter used to exclude a facet value from the result set. Using this parameter, you can filter your query to exclude the selected facet value in the response.

exclude uses the following syntax: exclude=<FACETNAME>:<FACETVALUE>

exclude must not be confused with a where filter. Excluding a facet value is equivalent to removing an entry in the left navigation panel.

Enum: "en" "fr" "nl" "pt" "it" "ar" "de" "es" "ca" "eu" "sv"

A language value.

If specified, the lang value override the default language, which is "fr". The language is used to format string, for example in the date_format function.

Default: "UTC"
  • timezone=UTC - UTC timezone
  • timezone=Europe/Paris - Paris timezone
  • timezone=US/Eastern - Eastern timezone
  • timezone=Europe/London - London timezone
  • timezone=Europe/Berlin - Berlin timezone

Set the timezone for datetime fields.

Timezone IDs are defined by the Unicode CLDR project. The list of timezone IDs is available in timezone.xml.


Response samples

Content type
application/json; charset=utf-8
  • "message": "ODSQL query is malformed: invalid_function() Clause(s) containing the error(s): select.",
  • "error_code": "ODSQLError"

Export a catalog in CSV

Export a catalog in CSV (Comma Separated Values). Specific parameters are described here

query Parameters
Default: ";"
Enum: ";" "," "\t" "|"

Sets the field delimiter of the CSV export

Default: ","

Sets the separator character used for multivalued strings

Default: false

Set it to true to force quoting all strings, i.e. surrounding all strings with quote characters

Default: true

Set it to true to force the first characters of the CSV file to be a Unicode Byte Order Mask (0xFEFF). It usually makes Excel correctly open the output CSV file without warning. Warning: the default value of this parameter is false in v2.0 and true starting with v2.1


Response samples

Content type
application/json; charset=utf-8
  • "message": "ODSQL query is malformed: invalid_function() Clause(s) containing the error(s): select.",
  • "error_code": "ODSQLError"

Export a catalog in RDF/XML (DCAT)

Export a catalog in RDF/XML described with DCAT (Data Catalog Vocabulary). Specific parameters are described here

path Parameters
Enum: "_ap_ch" "_ap_de" "_ap_se" "_ap_sp" "_ap_it" "_ap_vl" "_ap_benap"

DCAT format specifier for the catalog export. dcat_ap_* formats are only available upon activation.

query Parameters
string (enum-format-datasets-v2.1)
Enum: "csv" "fgb" "geojson" "gpx" "json" "jsonl" "jsonld" "kml" "n3" "ov2" "parquet" "rdfxml" "shp" "turtle" "xlsx"
  • include_exports=csv,json,geojson - Only expose csv, json and geojson datasets exports

Sets the datasets exports exposed in the DCAT export. By default, all exports are exposed.

Default: true

If set to true, this parameter will make distributions output the label of each field rather than its name. This parameter only applies on distributions that contain a list of the fields in their output (e.g., CSV, XLSX).


Response samples

Content type
application/json; charset=utf-8
  • "message": "ODSQL query is malformed: invalid_function() Clause(s) containing the error(s): select.",
  • "error_code": "ODSQLError"

List facet values

Enumerate facet values for datasets and returns a list of values for each facet. Can be used to implement guided navigation in large result sets.

query Parameters

A facet is a field used for simple filtering (through the refine and exclude parameters) or exploration (with the /facets endpoint).

It can also be a function such as facet=facet(name="field_name") which is identical to facet=field_name. But this facet() function can also take some optional arguments such as disjunctive, hierarchical, separator, sort and limit.

  • disjunctive: a boolean true/false, whether multiple values can be selected for the facet
  • hierarchical: a boolean true/false if the field is hierarchical. The separator must be given as the argument. For instance, you can do facet=facet(name="filepath", hierarchical=true, separator="/") to retrieve facets related to this field which might look like "/home/user/file.txt"
  • separator: a string, e.g. /, -, ;
  • sort: a string which describes how to sort the facets. Possible arguments are count and -count for all field types, alphanum and -alphanum for date, datetime and text, num and -num for decimal and int
  • limit: an integer to limit the number of results

Example: refine=modified:2020 - Return only the value 2020 from the modified facet.

A facet filter used to limit the result set. Using this parameter, you can refine your query to display only the selected facet value in the response.

Refinement uses the following syntax: refine=<FACETNAME>:<FACETVALUE>

For date, and other hierarchical facets, when refining on one value, all second-level values related to that entry will appear in facets enumeration. For example, after refining on the year 2019, the related second-level month will appear. And when refining on August 2019, the third-level day will appear.

refine must not be confused with a where filter. Refining with a facet is equivalent to selecting an entry in the left navigation panel.



  • exclude=city:Paris - Exclude the value Paris from the city facet. Facets enumeration will display Paris as excluded without any count information.
  • exclude=modified:2019/12 - Exclude the value 2019/12 from the modified facet. Facets enumeration will display 2020 as excluded without any count information.

A facet filter used to exclude a facet value from the result set. Using this parameter, you can filter your query to exclude the selected facet value in the response.

exclude uses the following syntax: exclude=<FACETNAME>:<FACETVALUE>

exclude must not be confused with a where filter. Excluding a facet value is equivalent to removing an entry in the left navigation panel.


A where filter is a text expression performing a simple full-text search that can also include logical operations (NOT, AND, OR...) and lots of other functions to perform complex and precise search operations.

For more information, see Opendatasoft Query Language (ODSQL) reference documentation.

Default: "UTC"
  • timezone=UTC - UTC timezone
  • timezone=Europe/Paris - Paris timezone
  • timezone=US/Eastern - Eastern timezone
  • timezone=Europe/London - London timezone
  • timezone=Europe/Berlin - Berlin timezone

Set the timezone for datetime fields.

Timezone IDs are defined by the Unicode CLDR project. The list of timezone IDs is available in timezone.xml.


Response samples

Content type
application/json; charset=utf-8
  • "links": [ ],
  • "facets": [

Show dataset information

Returns a list of available endpoints for the specified dataset, with metadata and endpoints.

The response includes the following links:

  • the attachments endpoint
  • the files endpoint
  • the records endpoint
  • the catalog endpoint.
path Parameters

The identifier of the dataset to be queried.

You can find it in the "Information" tab of the dataset page or in the dataset URL, right after /datasets/.

query Parameters


  • select=size - Example of select, which only return the "size" field.
  • select=size * 2 as bigger_size - Example of a complex expression with a label, which returns a new field named "bigger_size" and containing the double of size field value.
  • select=dataset_id, fields - Example of a select in catalog ODSQL query to only retrieve dataset_id and schema of datasets.

A select expression can be used to add, remove or change the fields to return. An expression can be:

  • a wildcard ('*'): all fields are returned.
  • A field name: only the specified field is returned.
  • An include/exclude function: All fields matching the include or exclude expression are included or excluded. This expression can contain wildcard.
  • A complex expression. The result of the expression is returned. A label can be set for this expression, and in that case, the field will be named after this label.
Enum: "en" "fr" "nl" "pt" "it" "ar" "de" "es" "ca" "eu" "sv"

A language value.

If specified, the lang value override the default language, which is "fr". The language is used to format string, for example in the date_format function.

Default: "UTC"
  • timezone=UTC - UTC timezone
  • timezone=Europe/Paris - Paris timezone
  • timezone=US/Eastern - Eastern timezone
  • timezone=Europe/London - London timezone
  • timezone=Europe/Berlin - Berlin timezone

Set the timezone for datetime fields.

Timezone IDs are defined by the Unicode CLDR project. The list of timezone IDs is available in timezone.xml.

Default: false

If set to true, this parameter will add HATEOAS links in the response.

Default: false

If set to true, this parameter will add application metadata to the response.


Response samples

Content type
application/json; charset=utf-8json
  • "dataset_id": "geonames-all-cities-with-a-population-1000",
  • "dataset_uid": "da_s2n5ed",
  • "attachments": [ ],
  • "has_records": true,
  • "data_visible": true,
  • "fields": [
  • "metas": {
  • "features": [


API to work on records

Query dataset records

Perform a query on dataset records.

path Parameters

The identifier of the dataset to be queried.

You can find it in the "Information" tab of the dataset page or in the dataset URL, right after /datasets/.

query Parameters


  • select=size - Example of select, which only return the "size" field.
  • select=size * 2 as bigger_size - Example of a complex expression with a label, which returns a new field named "bigger_size" and containing the double of size field value.
  • select=dataset_id, fields - Example of a select in catalog ODSQL query to only retrieve dataset_id and schema of datasets.

A select expression can be used to add, remove or change the fields to return. An expression can be:

  • a wildcard ('*'): all fields are returned.
  • A field name: only the specified field is returned.
  • An include/exclude function: All fields matching the include or exclude expression are included or excluded. This expression can contain wildcard.
  • A complex expression. The result of the expression is returned. A label can be set for this expression, and in that case, the field will be named after this label.

A where filter is a text expression performing a simple full-text search that can also include logical operations (NOT, AND, OR...) and lots of other functions to perform complex and precise search operations.

For more information, see Opendatasoft Query Language (ODSQL) reference documentation.


Example: group_by=city_field as city

A group by expression defines a grouping function for an aggregation. It can be:

  • a field name: group result by each value of this field
  • a range function: group result by range
  • a date function: group result by date

It is possible to specify a custom name with the 'as name' notation.


Example: order_by=sum(age) desc, name asc

A comma-separated list of field names or aggregations to sort on, followed by an order (asc or desc).

Results are sorted in ascending order by default. To sort results in descending order, use the desc keyword.

integer [ -1 .. 100 ]
Default: 10

Number of items to return.

To use with the offset parameter to implement pagination.

The maximum possible value depends on whether the query contains a group_by clause or not.

For a query without a group_by:

  • the maximum value for limit is 100,
  • offset+limit should be less than 10000

For a query with a group_by:

  • the maximum value for limit is 20000,
  • offset+limit should be less than 20000

Note: If you need more results, please use the /exports endpoint.

integer >= 0
Default: 0

Index of the first item to return (starting at 0).

To use with the limit parameter to implement pagination.

Note: the maximum value depends on the type of query, see the note on limit for the details


Example: refine=modified:2020 - Return only the value 2020 from the modified facet.

A facet filter used to limit the result set. Using this parameter, you can refine your query to display only the selected facet value in the response.

Refinement uses the following syntax: refine=<FACETNAME>:<FACETVALUE>

For date, and other hierarchical facets, when refining on one value, all second-level values related to that entry will appear in facets enumeration. For example, after refining on the year 2019, the related second-level month will appear. And when refining on August 2019, the third-level day will appear.

refine must not be confused with a where filter. Refining with a facet is equivalent to selecting an entry in the left navigation panel.



  • exclude=city:Paris - Exclude the value Paris from the city facet. Facets enumeration will display Paris as excluded without any count information.
  • exclude=modified:2019/12 - Exclude the value 2019/12 from the modified facet. Facets enumeration will display 2020 as excluded without any count information.

A facet filter used to exclude a facet value from the result set. Using this parameter, you can filter your query to exclude the selected facet value in the response.

exclude uses the following syntax: exclude=<FACETNAME>:<FACETVALUE>

exclude must not be confused with a where filter. Excluding a facet value is equivalent to removing an entry in the left navigation panel.

Enum: "en" "fr" "nl" "pt" "it" "ar" "de" "es" "ca" "eu" "sv"

A language value.

If specified, the lang value override the default language, which is "fr". The language is used to format string, for example in the date_format function.

Default: "UTC"
  • timezone=UTC - UTC timezone
  • timezone=Europe/Paris - Paris timezone
  • timezone=US/Eastern - Eastern timezone
  • timezone=Europe/London - London timezone
  • timezone=Europe/Berlin - Berlin timezone

Set the timezone for datetime fields.

Timezone IDs are defined by the Unicode CLDR project. The list of timezone IDs is available in timezone.xml.

Default: false

If set to true, this parameter will add HATEOAS links in the response.

Default: false

If set to true, this parameter will add application metadata to the response.


Response samples

Content type
application/json; charset=utf-8
  • "total_count": 137611,
  • "results": [

List export formats

List available export formats

path Parameters

The identifier of the dataset to be queried.

You can find it in the "Information" tab of the dataset page or in the dataset URL, right after /datasets/.


Response samples

Content type
application/json; charset=utf-8

Export a dataset

Export a dataset in the desired format. Note: The group_by parameter is only available on exports starting with the v2.1

path Parameters

The identifier of the dataset to be queried.

You can find it in the "Information" tab of the dataset page or in the dataset URL, right after /datasets/.

string (enum-format-datasets-v2.1)
Enum: "csv" "fgb" "geojson" "gpx" "json" "jsonl" "jsonld" "kml" "n3" "ov2" "parquet" "rdfxml" "shp" "turtle" "xlsx"
query Parameters


  • select=size - Example of select, which only return the "size" field.
  • select=size * 2 as bigger_size - Example of a complex expression with a label, which returns a new field named "bigger_size" and containing the double of size field value.
  • select=dataset_id, fields - Example of a select in catalog ODSQL query to only retrieve dataset_id and schema of datasets.

A select expression can be used to add, remove or change the fields to return. An expression can be:

  • a wildcard ('*'): all fields are returned.
  • A field name: only the specified field is returned.
  • An include/exclude function: All fields matching the include or exclude expression are included or excluded. This expression can contain wildcard.
  • A complex expression. The result of the expression is returned. A label can be set for this expression, and in that case, the field will be named after this label.

A where filter is a text expression performing a simple full-text search that can also include logical operations (NOT, AND, OR...) and lots of other functions to perform complex and precise search operations.

For more information, see Opendatasoft Query Language (ODSQL) reference documentation.


Example: order_by=sum(age) desc, name asc

A comma-separated list of field names or aggregations to sort on, followed by an order (asc or desc).

Results are sorted in ascending order by default. To sort results in descending order, use the desc keyword.


Example: group_by=city_field as city

A group by expression defines a grouping function for an aggregation. It can be:

  • a field name: group result by each value of this field
  • a range function: group result by range
  • a date function: group result by date

It is possible to specify a custom name with the 'as name' notation.

integer >= -1
Default: -1

Number of items to return in export.

Use -1 (default) to retrieve all records


Example: refine=modified:2020 - Return only the value 2020 from the modified facet.

A facet filter used to limit the result set. Using this parameter, you can refine your query to display only the selected facet value in the response.

Refinement uses the following syntax: refine=<FACETNAME>:<FACETVALUE>

For date, and other hierarchical facets, when refining on one value, all second-level values related to that entry will appear in facets enumeration. For example, after refining on the year 2019, the related second-level month will appear. And when refining on August 2019, the third-level day will appear.

refine must not be confused with a where filter. Refining with a facet is equivalent to selecting an entry in the left navigation panel.



  • exclude=city:Paris - Exclude the value Paris from the city facet. Facets enumeration will display Paris as excluded without any count information.
  • exclude=modified:2019/12 - Exclude the value 2019/12 from the modified facet. Facets enumeration will display 2020 as excluded without any count information.

A facet filter used to exclude a facet value from the result set. Using this parameter, you can filter your query to exclude the selected facet value in the response.

exclude uses the following syntax: exclude=<FACETNAME>:<FACETVALUE>

exclude must not be confused with a where filter. Excluding a facet value is equivalent to removing an entry in the left navigation panel.

Enum: "en" "fr" "nl" "pt" "it" "ar" "de" "es" "ca" "eu" "sv"

A language value.

If specified, the lang value override the default language, which is "fr". The language is used to format string, for example in the date_format function.

Default: "UTC"
  • timezone=UTC - UTC timezone
  • timezone=Europe/Paris - Paris timezone
  • timezone=US/Eastern - Eastern timezone
  • timezone=Europe/London - London timezone
  • timezone=Europe/Berlin - Berlin timezone

Set the timezone for datetime fields.

Timezone IDs are defined by the Unicode CLDR project. The list of timezone IDs is available in timezone.xml.

Default: false

If set to true, this parameter will make exports output the label of each field rather than its name.

This parameter only makes sense for formats that contain a list of the fields in their output.

Default: 4326

This parameter sets the EPSG code to project shapes into for formats that support geometric features.


Response samples

Content type
application/json; charset=utf-8
  • "message": "ODSQL query is malformed: invalid_function() Clause(s) containing the error(s): select.",
  • "error_code": "ODSQLError"

Export a dataset in CSV

Export a dataset in CSV (Comma Separated Values). Specific parameters are described here

path Parameters

The identifier of the dataset to be queried.

You can find it in the "Information" tab of the dataset page or in the dataset URL, right after /datasets/.

query Parameters
Default: ";"
Enum: ";" "," "\t" "|"

Sets the field delimiter of the CSV export

Default: ","

Sets the separator character used for multivalued strings

Default: false

Set it to true to force quoting all strings, i.e. surrounding all strings with quote characters

Default: true

Set it to true to force the first characters of the CSV file to be a Unicode Byte Order Mask (0xFEFF). It usually makes Excel correctly open the output CSV file without warning. Warning: the default value of this parameter is false in v2.0 and true starting with v2.1


Response samples

Content type
application/json; charset=utf-8
  • "message": "ODSQL query is malformed: invalid_function() Clause(s) containing the error(s): select.",
  • "error_code": "ODSQLError"

Export a dataset in GPX

Export a dataset in GPX. Specific parameters are described here

path Parameters

The identifier of the dataset to be queried.

You can find it in the "Information" tab of the dataset page or in the dataset URL, right after /datasets/.

query Parameters

Sets the field that is used as the 'name' attribute in the GPX output


Sets the fields to use in the 'description' attribute of the GPX output

Default: true

Set it to true to use the <extension> tag for attributes (as GDAL does). Set it to false to use the <desc> tag for attributes. Warning: the default value of this parameter is false in v2.0 and true starting with v2.1


Response samples

Content type
application/json; charset=utf-8
  • "message": "ODSQL query is malformed: invalid_function() Clause(s) containing the error(s): select.",
  • "error_code": "ODSQLError"

List dataset facets

Enumerates facet values for records and returns a list of values for each facet. Can be used to implement guided navigation in large result sets.

path Parameters

The identifier of the dataset to be queried.

You can find it in the "Information" tab of the dataset page or in the dataset URL, right after /datasets/.

query Parameters

A where filter is a text expression performing a simple full-text search that can also include logical operations (NOT, AND, OR...) and lots of other functions to perform complex and precise search operations.

For more information, see Opendatasoft Query Language (ODSQL) reference documentation.


Example: refine=modified:2020 - Return only the value 2020 from the modified facet.

A facet filter used to limit the result set. Using this parameter, you can refine your query to display only the selected facet value in the response.

Refinement uses the following syntax: refine=<FACETNAME>:<FACETVALUE>

For date, and other hierarchical facets, when refining on one value, all second-level values related to that entry will appear in facets enumeration. For example, after refining on the year 2019, the related second-level month will appear. And when refining on August 2019, the third-level day will appear.

refine must not be confused with a where filter. Refining with a facet is equivalent to selecting an entry in the left navigation panel.



  • exclude=city:Paris - Exclude the value Paris from the city facet. Facets enumeration will display Paris as excluded without any count information.
  • exclude=modified:2019/12 - Exclude the value 2019/12 from the modified facet. Facets enumeration will display 2020 as excluded without any count information.

A facet filter used to exclude a facet value from the result set. Using this parameter, you can filter your query to exclude the selected facet value in the response.

exclude uses the following syntax: exclude=<FACETNAME>:<FACETVALUE>

exclude must not be confused with a where filter. Excluding a facet value is equivalent to removing an entry in the left navigation panel.


A facet is a field used for simple filtering (through the refine and exclude parameters) or exploration (with the /facets endpoint).

It can also be a function such as facet=facet(name="field_name") which is identical to facet=field_name. But this facet() function can also take some optional arguments such as disjunctive, hierarchical, separator, sort and limit.

  • disjunctive: a boolean true/false, whether multiple values can be selected for the facet
  • hierarchical: a boolean true/false if the field is hierarchical. The separator must be given as the argument. For instance, you can do facet=facet(name="filepath", hierarchical=true, separator="/") to retrieve facets related to this field which might look like "/home/user/file.txt"
  • separator: a string, e.g. /, -, ;
  • sort: a string which describes how to sort the facets. Possible arguments are count and -count for all field types, alphanum and -alphanum for date, datetime and text, num and -num for decimal and int
  • limit: an integer to limit the number of results
Enum: "en" "fr" "nl" "pt" "it" "ar" "de" "es" "ca" "eu" "sv"

A language value.

If specified, the lang value override the default language, which is "fr". The language is used to format string, for example in the date_format function.

Default: "UTC"
  • timezone=UTC - UTC timezone
  • timezone=Europe/Paris - Paris timezone
  • timezone=US/Eastern - Eastern timezone
  • timezone=Europe/London - London timezone
  • timezone=Europe/Berlin - Berlin timezone

Set the timezone for datetime fields.

Timezone IDs are defined by the Unicode CLDR project. The list of timezone IDs is available in timezone.xml.


Response samples

Content type
application/json; charset=utf-8
  • "links": [ ],
  • "facets": [

List dataset attachments

Returns a list of all available attachments for a dataset.

path Parameters

The identifier of the dataset to be queried.

You can find it in the "Information" tab of the dataset page or in the dataset URL, right after /datasets/.


Response samples

Content type
application/json; charset=utf-8

Read a dataset record

Reads a single dataset record based on its identifier.

path Parameters

The identifier of the dataset to be queried.

You can find it in the "Information" tab of the dataset page or in the dataset URL, right after /datasets/.


Record identifier

query Parameters


  • select=size - Example of select, which only return the "size" field.
  • select=size * 2 as bigger_size - Example of a complex expression with a label, which returns a new field named "bigger_size" and containing the double of size field value.
  • select=dataset_id, fields - Example of a select in catalog ODSQL query to only retrieve dataset_id and schema of datasets.

A select expression can be used to add, remove or change the fields to return. An expression can be:

  • a wildcard ('*'): all fields are returned.
  • A field name: only the specified field is returned.
  • An include/exclude function: All fields matching the include or exclude expression are included or excluded. This expression can contain wildcard.
  • A complex expression. The result of the expression is returned. A label can be set for this expression, and in that case, the field will be named after this label.
Enum: "en" "fr" "nl" "pt" "it" "ar" "de" "es" "ca" "eu" "sv"

A language value.

If specified, the lang value override the default language, which is "fr". The language is used to format string, for example in the date_format function.

Default: "UTC"
  • timezone=UTC - UTC timezone
  • timezone=Europe/Paris - Paris timezone
  • timezone=US/Eastern - Eastern timezone
  • timezone=Europe/London - London timezone
  • timezone=Europe/Berlin - Berlin timezone

Set the timezone for datetime fields.

Timezone IDs are defined by the Unicode CLDR project. The list of timezone IDs is available in timezone.xml.


Response samples

Content type
application/json; charset=utf-8
  • "timezone": "Europe/Brussels",
  • "elevation": null,
  • "name": "Fraire",
  • "modification_date": "2020-04-05",
  • "dem": 238,
  • "cou_name_en": "Belgium",
  • "feature_class": "P",
  • "admin3_code": "93",
  • "alternate_names": [
  • "coordinates": {
  • "country_code_2": null,
  • "geoname_id": "2798031",
  • "feature_code": "PPL",
  • "label_en": "Belgium",
  • "admin4_code": "93088",
  • "country_code": "BE",
  • "ascii_name": "Fraire",
  • "admin1_code": "WAL",
  • "admin2_code": "WNA",
  • "population": 1492
Explore API Version: v2.1