• OData API
  • Authentication
  • Using OAuth2 authorization
  • Using the OData API
  • OData API

    Opendatasoft features an OData API that supports versions 3.0 and 4.0 of the protocol.


    An authenticated user can be granted access to restricted datasets and benefit from extended quotas for API calls. The API features an authentication mechanism for users to be granted their specific authorizations.

    For the platform to authenticate a user, you need to either:

    Finding and generating API keys

    API keys are managed via your user profile page at https://<youropendatasoftportal>.com/account/ or by clicking on your name in the header.

    Link to account settings

    Go to the tab named My API keys to see your existing API keys, revoke them and create new ones.

    Account's API keys page

    Providing API keys within requests

    Unauthenticated request on a private portal

    > GET https://private-portal.opendatasoft.com/api/v2/catalog/datasets/ HTTP/1.1
    < HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized

    Authenticated request using an Authorization: Apikey <API_KEY> header

    > GET https://private-portal.opendatasoft.com/api/v2/catalog/datasets/ HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Apikey 7511e8cc6d6dbe65f9bc8dae19e08c08a2cab96ef45a86112d303eee
    < HTTP/1.0 200 OK
        "total_count": 4,
        "links": [{
            "href": "https://private-portal.opendatasoft.com/api/v2/catalog/datasets?include_app_metas=False&limit=10&offset=0",
            "rel": "self"
        }, {
            "href": "https://private-portal.opendatasoft.com/api/v2/catalog/datasets?include_app_metas=False&limit=10&offset=0",
            "rel": "first"
        }, {
            "href": "https://private-portal.opendatasoft.com/api/v2/catalog/datasets?include_app_metas=False&limit=10&offset=0",
            "rel": "last"
        "datasets": [...]

    Authenticated request using an API key as a query parameter

    > GET https://private-portal.opendatasoft.com/api/v2/catalog/datasets/?apikey=7511e8cc6d6dbe65f9bc8dae19e08c08a2cab96ef45a86112d303eee HTTP/1.1
    < HTTP/1.0 200 OK
        "total_count": 4,
        "links": [{
            "href": "https://private-portal.opendatasoft.com/api/v2/catalog/datasets?include_app_metas=False&limit=10&offset=0",
            "rel": "self"
        }, {
            "href": "https://private-portal.opendatasoft.com/api/v2/catalog/datasets?include_app_metas=False&limit=10&offset=0",
            "rel": "first"
        }, {
            "href": "https://private-portal.opendatasoft.com/api/v2/catalog/datasets?include_app_metas=False&limit=10&offset=0",
            "rel": "last"
        "datasets": [...]

    If you try to access a private portal's catalog without being authenticated, the API returns a 401 Unauthorized error.

    After generating an API key, you can use it to make authenticated requests. Depending on the permissions granted to the user for which the API key has been created, the JSON response contains only data about the datasets this user can access on the portal.

    It is good practice to pass the API key to the Authorization header in the following format:

    Authorization: Apikey <API_KEY>

    Alternatively, you can pass the API key as a query parameter in the following format:


    Replace <API_KEY>with your API key.

    Using OAuth2 authorization


    Opendatasoft implements the OAuth2 authorization flow, allowing third party application makers to access the data hosted on an Opendatasoft platform on behalf of a user while never having to deal with a password, thus avoiding any user credential to be compromised.

    The Opendatasoft OAuth2 authorization flow is compliant with RFC 6749 and makes use of Bearer Tokens in compliance with RFC 6750.

    Application developers who want to use the Opendatasoft APIs with OAuth2 must go through the following steps, which will be explained in this section.

    1. Register their application with the Opendatasoft platform.
    2. Request approval from users via an OAuth2 authorization grant.
    3. Request a bearer token that will allows them to query the Opendatasoft platform APIs for a limited amount of time.
    4. Refresh the Bearer Token when it expires.

    Currently, applications are registered on a specific domain and can only access data on this domain.

    Register an application for OAuth2 authentication

    OAuth2 applications management interface

    1. Go to the My applications tab of your account page on the domain you want to register the application on.
    2. Fill the registration form with the following information:
      • Application name: the name of the application
      • Type:
        • confidential: client password is kept secret from the user and only used from a trusted environment (e.g: a web service, where the client password is stored server-side and never sent to the user)
        • public: client password is embedded in a client-side application, making it potentially available to the world (e.g: a mobile or desktop application)
      • Redirection URL: the URL users will be redirected to after they have granted you permission to access their data
    3. Store the resulting client ID and client secret that will be needed to perform the next steps.

    Getting an authorization grant

    Example call to /oauth2/authorize/

    GET /oauth2/authorize/?
        scope=all HTTP/1.1

    To get an authorization grant from a user:

    1. Redirect them to /oauth2/authorize/ with the appropriate query parameters.
    2. The user will then be authenticated in the platform and redirected to a page identifying your application.
    3. From there, the user will review the information you filled in the form described above and the scope of the requested access, and grant your application the right to access their data.
    4. Once the user has accepted those terms, they will be redirected to your application's redirection URL with query parameters describing your authorization grant.

    The query parameters you need to supply when redirecting the user are the following:

    Redirection following a successful authorization

    HTTP/1.0 302 FOUND
    Location: https://example.com?state=ilovedata&code=gKnAQc2yIfdz2mY25xxgpTY2uyG5Sv

    The authorization grant redirect will have these values:

    The 30-character authorization code must now be converted into a bearer token within 1 hour before expiring.

    Converting an authorization grant to a bearer token

    Example call to /oauth2/token/

    POST /oauth2/token/ HTTP/1.1

    To receive a bearer token, convert the previously obtained authorization grant via a POST request to /oauth2/token/ with the following parameters:

    Alternative call with an Authorization header

    POST /oauth2/token/ HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Basic Y2lkOmNzYw==

    Alternatively, you can pass your client ID and client secret through the Authorization header

    Example response for a bearer token request

    HTTP/1.0 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
        "access_token": "9kxoTUYvSxnAiMpv008NBqRiqk5xWt",
        "expires_in": 3600,
        "token_type": "Bearer",
        "state": "ilovedata",
        "scope": "all",
        "refresh_token": "jFfDUcsK9zzNMs1zwczzJxGrimPtmf"

    The response to this request is a JSON representation of a bearer token, which contains the following values:

    Using the bearer token

    Using the token as a query parameter

    GET /api/end/point?access_token=9kxoTUYvSxnAiMpv008NBqRiqk5xWt HTTP/1.1

    Using the token in an Authorization header

    GET /api/end/point HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer 9kxoTUYvSxnAiMpv008NBqRiqk5xWt

    Using the token in the request body

    GET /api/end/point HTTP/1.1

    The bearer token can be passed along requests for authentication in three different ways:

    Refreshing a bearer token

    Example token refresh call

    POST /oauth2/token/ HTTP/1.1

    To refresh an expired bearer token, send a request to the /oauth2/token/ endpoint, with the following query parameters:

    The response to this request is identical to the bearer token response.

    Using the OData API

    General points

    Service address

    In this documentation, we will use the words "service root" or "service document" to refer to the base address of the OData service. For the Opendatasoft platform, this URL can be found on the /api/odata path, relative to the platform hostname. Unless stated otherwise, all addresses in the rest of this documentation are relative to the service root.

    HTTP Method

    The Opendatasoft OData service currently is read-only; hence the only allowed method is GET.


    The Opendatasoft platform supports versions 3.0 and 4.0 of the OData protocol. Versions requirements can be communicated to the service via the following six headers:

    Header Description
    OData-Version This header informs the server which version of the protocol is used by the client.
    DataServiceVersion This header specifies which protocol version the service should use.
    OData-MinVersion This header specifies the minimum version supported by the client.
    minDataServiceVersion This header specifies the minimum version the service should use.
    OData-MaxVersion This header specifies the maximum version supported by the client.
    maxDataServiceVersion This header specifies the maximum version the service should use.

    From the next paragraph on, in order to keep things simple and relevant, all the examples in this documentation use the OData protocol version 4.0. Keep in mind however that all described features work in both supported versions. If version 3.0 uses a specific syntax or needs special attention, it will be described in the documentation.


    GET https://documentation-resources.opendatasoft.com/api/odata/$metadata HTTP/1.1
    <edmx:Edmx xmlns:edmx="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edmx" Version="4.0">
        <edmx:DataServices xmlns:m="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/metadata" m:MaxDataServiceVersion="4.0" m:DataServiceVersion="4.0">
            <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Alias="Ods" Namespace="com.opendatasoft.odata.types">
                <ComplexType Name="GeoPoint2D">
                    <Property Type="Edm.Double" Name="latitude"/>
                    <Property Type="Edm.Double" Name="longitude"/>
                <ComplexType Name="Image">
                    <Property Type="Edm.Int32" Name="width"/>
                    <Property Type="Edm.String" Name="format"/>
                    <Property Type="Edm.String" Name="id"/>
                    <Property Type="Edm.Int32" Name="height"/>
            <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="documentation-resources.roman-emperor-images">
                <EntityType Name="roman-emperor-images">
                        <PropertyRef Name="recordid"/>
                    <Property Type="Edm.String" Name="recordid" Nullable="false"/>
                    <Property Type="Edm.String" Name="name"/>
                    <Property Type="Edm.String" Name="image"/>
            <!-- ... -->
            <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="documentation-resources.doc-geonames-cities-5000">
        <EntityType Name="doc-geonames-cities-5000">
                <PropertyRef Name="recordid"/>
            <Property Type="Edm.String" Name="recordid" Nullable="false"/>
            <Property Type="Edm.String" Name="geonameid"/>
            <Property Type="Edm.String" Name="name"/>
            <Property Type="Edm.String" Name="asciiname"/>
            <Property Type="Edm.String" Name="alternatenames"/>
            <Property Type="Edm.String" Name="feature_class"/>
            <Property Type="Edm.String" Name="feature_code"/>
            <Property Type="Edm.String" Name="country_code"/>
            <Property Type="Edm.String" Name="cc2"/>
            <Property Type="Edm.String" Name="admin1_code"/>
            <Property Type="Edm.String" Name="admin2_code"/>
            <Property Type="Edm.String" Name="admin3_code"/>
            <Property Type="Edm.String" Name="admin4_code"/>
            <Property Type="Edm.Int32" Name="population"/>
            <Property Type="Edm.String" Name="elevation"/>
            <Property Type="Edm.Int32" Name="dem"/>
            <Property Type="Edm.String" Name="timezone"/>
            <Property Type="Edm.DateTimeOffset" Name="modification_date"/>
            <Property Type="com.opendatasoft.odata.types.GeoPoint2D" Name="geo_point_2d"/>

    The metadata document is located on /$metadata. This documents determines:


    GET https://documentation-resources.opendatasoft.com/api/odata/error?$format=json HTTP/1.1
        "error": {
            "message": "Resource not found for the segment 'error'",
            "code": 404
    GET https://documentation-resources.opendatasoft.com/api/odata/error?$format=xml HTTP/1.1
    <m:error xmlns:m="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/metadata">
        <m:message>Resource not found for the segment 'error'</m:message>

    The service supports ATOM and JSON formats. For the JSON formats, the "minimal" and "full" metadata levels are supported. Any request for a metadata level of "none" will be responded to with the "minimal" metadata level, as per the standard.

    There are 2 main ways of requesting a specific format:

    The format parameter, be it in the headers or in the query string, can be either the abbreviations JSON, XML or ATOM, or the exact MIME type requested. For the JSON format, different metadata levels can be requested by using the full MIME type followed by ;odata.metadata=<LEVEL> for protocol version 4.0 and ;odata=<LEVEL>metadata for protocol version 3.0.

    To keep things simple, the rest of this article will feature examples with the JSON format, which is the default, but keep in mind that everything will work the same in the ATOM format.


    GET https://documentation-resources.opendatasoft.com/api/odata/?$format=json HTTP/1.1
    "@odata.context": "https://documentation-resources.opendatasoft.com/api/odata/$metadata",
    "value": [
        /* ... */
            "name": "doc-geonames-cities-5000",
            "url": "doc-geonames-cities-5000"
        /* ... */

    The service root document displays the catalog of all datasets available through the service.


    GET https://documentation-resources.opendatasoft.com/api/odata/doc-geonames-cities-5000 HTTP/1.1
        "@odata.context": "https://documentation-resources.opendatasoft.com/api/odata/$metadata#doc-geonames-cities-5000",
        "value": [
            /* ... */
                "recordid": "a09667c806f6e64f81843ef3281973dd6d96dbc2",
                "name": "Independencia",
                "modification_date": "2014-04-11T00:00:00+00:00",
                "geonameid": "8858196",
                "feature_class": "P",
                "admin2_code": "011",
                "geo_point_2d": {
                "latitude": 18.87716,
                "longitude": -99.12237
                "timezone": "America/Mexico_City",
                "feature_code": "PPL",
                "dem": 1446,
                "country_code": "MX",
                "admin1_code": "17",
                "alternatenames": "Independencia",
                "asciiname": "Independencia",
                "population": 7282
            /* ... */
        "@odata.nextLink": "https://documentation-resources.opendatasoft.com/api/odata/doc-geonames-cities-5000?$skiptoken=100"

    The records of a dataset can be browsed on the /<dataset_id> page. It is easy to navigate from the service root document to a dataset by following the URL attribute of the catalog items.


    Get the top 2 results

    GET https://documentation-resources.opendatasoft.com/api/odata/doc-geonames-cities-5000?$top=2 HTTP/1.1
        "@odata.context": "https://documentation-resources.opendatasoft.com/api/odata/$metadata#doc-geonames-cities-5000",
        "value": [
                "recordid": "9a5943b0ace876e384142c032f6b229a9c77e1fe",
                "name": "Marte R. Gómez (Tobarito)",
                "modification_date": "2014-04-11T00:00:00+00:00",
                "geonameid": "8858173",
                "feature_class": "P",
                "admin2_code": "018",
                "geo_point_2d": {
                    "latitude": 27.36778,
                    "longitude": -109.88583
                "timezone": "America/Hermosillo",
                "feature_code": "PPL",
                "dem": 49,
                "country_code": "MX",
                "admin1_code": "26",
                "alternatenames": "Marte R. Gomez (Tobarito),Marte R. Gómez (Tobarito)",
                "asciiname": "Marte R. Gomez (Tobarito)",
                "population": 8700
                "recordid": "e2e9d83f86c4dddfeefd349be9fbdd67c7b8ce23",
                "name": "Colonia Santa Bárbara",
                "modification_date": "2014-08-18T00:00:00+00:00",
                "geonameid": "8858175",
                "feature_class": "P",
                "admin2_code": "087",
                "geo_point_2d": {
                    "latitude": 19.50191,
                    "longitude": -96.87817
                "timezone": "America/Mexico_City",
                "feature_code": "PPL",
                "dem": 1277,
                "country_code": "MX",
                "admin1_code": "30",
                "alternatenames": "Colonia Santa Barbara,Colonia Santa Bárbara",
                "asciiname": "Colonia Santa Barbara",
                "population": 8617

    Skip the top result and get the next two results

    GET https://documentation-resources.opendatasoft.com/api/odata/doc-geonames-cities-5000?$skip=1&$top=2 HTTP/1.1
        "@odata.context": "https://documentation-resources.opendatasoft.com/api/odata/$metadata#doc-geonames-cities-5000",
        "value": [
                "recordid": "e2e9d83f86c4dddfeefd349be9fbdd67c7b8ce23",
                "name": "Colonia Santa Bárbara",
                "modification_date": "2014-08-18T00:00:00+00:00",
                "geonameid": "8858175",
                "feature_class": "P",
                "admin2_code": "087",
                "geo_point_2d": {
                    "latitude": 19.50191,
                    "longitude": -96.87817
                "timezone": "America/Mexico_City",
                "feature_code": "PPL",
                "dem": 1277,
                "country_code": "MX",
                "admin1_code": "30",
                "alternatenames": "Colonia Santa Barbara,Colonia Santa Bárbara",
                "asciiname": "Colonia Santa Barbara",
                "population": 8617
                "recordid": "dff5e7b1376eb0e983e3e823baa3d8ab11bc08e7",
                "name": "Bosque de Saloya",
                "modification_date": "2014-04-11T00:00:00+00:00",
                "geonameid": "8858176",
                "feature_class": "P",
                "admin2_code": "013",
                "geo_point_2d": {
                    "latitude": 18.01611,
                    "longitude": -92.95806
                "timezone": "America/Mexico_City",
                "feature_code": "PPL",
                "dem": 8,
                "country_code": "MX",
                "admin1_code": "27",
                "alternatenames": "Bosque de Saloya",
                "asciiname": "Bosque de Saloya",
                "population": 8600

    Client-driven paging can be requested with the $top query parameter to limit the size of the response, and the $skip query parameter to define the first result to display.

    The server will ignore $skip results and then return the first $top items.

    When paging is applied, a link to the next results will be added at the end of the payload.

    Get all records that contain "Turin" in any of their fields

    GET https://documentation-resources.opendatasoft.com/api/odata/doc-geonames-cities-5000?$search=Turin HTTP/1.1
        "@odata.context": "https://documentation-resources.opendatasoft.com/api/odata/$metadata#doc-geonames-cities-5000",
        "value": [
                "recordid": "c8f5d3e8e38ea441d9c4bfae5809655a58d4c2e8",
                "elevation": "239",
                "name": "Turin",
                "modification_date": "2019-09-05T00:00:00+00:00",
                "geonameid": "3165524",
                "feature_class": "P",
                "admin3_code": "001272",
                "admin2_code": "TO",
                "geo_point_2d": {
                    "latitude": 45.07049,
                    "longitude": 7.68682
                "timezone": "Europe/Rome",
                "feature_code": "PPLA",
                "dem": 245,
                "country_code": "IT",
                "admin1_code": "12",
                "alternatenames": "Augusta Taurinorum,Julia Augusta Taurinorum,Lungsod ng Turino,TRN,Tori,Torin,Torino,Torinu,Torí,Tueri,Turen,Turijn,Turim,Turin,Turina,Turinas,Turino,Turinu,Turyn,Turén,Turìn,Turín,Turīna,Tórínó,Türì,dou ling,tolino,torino,tu rin,tulin,turin,turina,twryn,twrynw,Τορίνο,Торино,Турин,Турын,Թուրին,טורין,טורינו,تورينو,تورین,टोरीनो,तोरिनो,তুরিন,துரின்,ตูริน,ཊུ་རིན།,ტურინი,トリノ,都灵,토리노,투린",
                "asciiname": "Turin",
                "admin4_code": "0012721",
                "population": 870456
                "recordid": "61eb5f69a96ba0c694a800f02802c0cc488aad91",
                "name": "Turinskaya Sloboda",
                "modification_date": "2019-09-02T00:00:00+00:00",
                "geonameid": "1488931",
                "feature_class": "P",
                "geo_point_2d": {
                    "latitude": 57.6232,
                    "longitude": 64.38575
                "timezone": "Asia/Yekaterinburg",
                "feature_code": "PPL",
                "dem": 64,
                "country_code": "RU",
                "admin1_code": "71",
                "alternatenames": "Turinskaja Sloboda,Turinskaja-Sloboda,Turinskaya Sloboda,Туринская Слобода",
                "asciiname": "Turinskaya Sloboda",
                "population": 6023
                "recordid": "ef5d7d2506846f5581087d9070ff90e440056e86",
                "name": "Turinsk",
                "modification_date": "2019-09-05T00:00:00+00:00",
                "geonameid": "1488933",
                "feature_class": "P",
                "geo_point_2d": {
                    "latitude": 58.04575,
                    "longitude": 63.69605
                "timezone": "Asia/Yekaterinburg",
                "feature_code": "PPL",
                "dem": 100,
                "country_code": "RU",
                "admin1_code": "71",
                "alternatenames": "Toerinsk,Tourinsk,Turins'k,Turinsk,Turynsk,tu lin si ke,twrynsk,Τουρίνσκ,Туринск,Туринськ,Турынск,Түре,تورينسك,تورینسک,圖林斯克",
                "asciiname": "Turinsk",
                "population": 18555
                "recordid": "e4b10f40f0dd992afc44e7cac52ede6b39f83bf5",
                "name": "Tura",
                "modification_date": "2012-12-02T00:00:00+00:00",
                "geonameid": "2014833",
                "feature_class": "P",
                "geo_point_2d": {
                    "latitude": 64.27769,
                    "longitude": 100.21849
                "timezone": "Asia/Krasnoyarsk",
                "feature_code": "PPL",
                "dem": 214,
                "country_code": "RU",
                "admin1_code": "91",
                "alternatenames": "Toera,Toura,Tura,Turinskaya Kul'tbaza,Turinskaya Kul’tbaza,Turinskaya Kutbaza,tu la,tula,Тура,圖拉,투라",
                "asciiname": "Tura",
                "population": 5444

    The $search parameter can be used to search data.


    Get all cities named "Turin"

    GET https://documentation-resources.opendatasoft.com/api/odata/doc-geonames-cities-5000?$filter=name eq Turin
        "@odata.context": "https://documentation-resources.opendatasoft.com/api/odata/$metadata#doc-geonames-cities-5000",
        "value": [
                "recordid": "c8f5d3e8e38ea441d9c4bfae5809655a58d4c2e8",
                "elevation": "239",
                "name": "Turin",
                "modification_date": "2019-09-05T00:00:00+00:00",
                "geonameid": "3165524",
                "feature_class": "P",
                "admin3_code": "001272",
                "admin2_code": "TO",
                "geo_point_2d": {
                    "latitude": 45.07049,
                    "longitude": 7.68682
                "timezone": "Europe/Rome",
                "feature_code": "PPLA",
                "dem": 245,
                "country_code": "IT",
                "admin1_code": "12",
                "alternatenames": "Augusta Taurinorum,Julia Augusta Taurinorum,Lungsod ng Turino,TRN,Tori,Torin,Torino,Torinu,Torí,Tueri,Turen,Turijn,Turim,Turin,Turina,Turinas,Turino,Turinu,Turyn,Turén,Turìn,Turín,Turīna,Tórínó,Türì,dou ling,tolino,torino,tu rin,tulin,turin,turina,twryn,twrynw,Τορίνο,Торино,Турин,Турын,Թուրին,טורין,טורינו,تورينو,تورین,टोरीनो,तोरिनो,তুরিন,துரின்,ตูริน,ཊུ་རིན།,ტურინი,トリノ,都灵,토리노,투린",
                "asciiname": "Turin",
                "admin4_code": "0012721",
                "population": 870456

    Get all cities with a population between 100,000 and 100,050 inhabitants

    GET https://documentation-resources.opendatasoft.com/api/odata/doc-geonames-cities-5000?$filter=population gt 100000 and not population ge 100050
        "@odata.context": "https://documentation-resources.opendatasoft.com/api/odata/$metadata#doc-geonames-cities-5000",
        "value": [
                "recordid": "c8ed94ed7799ed2be371b705c210e3caced7003a",
                "name": "Telde",
                "modification_date": "2012-03-04T00:00:00+00:00",
                "geonameid": "2510542",
                "feature_class": "P",
                "admin3_code": "35026",
                "admin2_code": "GC",
                "geo_point_2d": {
                    "latitude": 27.99243,
                    "longitude": -15.41915
                "timezone": "Atlantic/Canary",
                "feature_code": "PPLA3",
                "dem": 160,
                "country_code": "ES",
                "admin1_code": "53",
                "alternatenames": "Tel'de,Telde,te er de,tyldy,Телде,Тельде,تيلدي,特尔德",
                "asciiname": "Telde",
                "population": 100015
                "recordid": "668fa56460183a49c125bab9080a8dedba25fc87",
                "name": "Punta Cana",
                "modification_date": "2016-06-05T00:00:00+00:00",
                "geonameid": "3494242",
                "feature_class": "P",
                "admin3_code": "110103",
                "admin2_code": "1101",
                "geo_point_2d": {
                    "latitude": 18.58182,
                    "longitude": -68.40431
                "timezone": "America/Santo_Domingo",
                "feature_code": "PPL",
                "dem": 28,
                "country_code": "DO",
                "admin1_code": "10",
                "alternatenames": "PUJ,Punta Cana,Punta Kana,Punta-Kana,Пунта Кана,Пунта-Кана",
                "asciiname": "Punta Cana",
                "admin4_code": "11010304",
                "population": 100023

    The $filter parameter can be used to apply a restriction on results.

    Supported restriction operators are eq and ne for equality and inequality, lt and gt for strict inequalities and le and ge for non strict inequalities.

    Multiple restriction expessions can be combined into bigger expressions with the logical operators and and or.

    Expressions can be negated with the not operator.


    Get the number of cities with a population of more than 3 million inhabitants and the top result

    GET https://documentation-resources.opendatasoft.com/api/odata/doc-geonames-cities-5000?$filter=population gt 3000000&$top=1&$count=true
        "@odata.context": "https://documentation-resources.opendatasoft.com/api/odata/$metadata#doc-geonames-cities-5000",
        "@odata.count": 93,
        "value": [
                "recordid": "da3786f79d168b68547eb6c90fc7a8098f6f5461",
                "name": "Ibadan",
                "modification_date": "2019-09-05T00:00:00+00:00",
                "geonameid": "2339354",
                "feature_class": "P",
                "admin2_code": "31008",
                "geo_point_2d": {
                    "latitude": 7.37756,
                    "longitude": 3.90591
                "timezone": "Africa/Lagos",
                "feature_code": "PPLA",
                "dem": 181,
                "country_code": "NG",
                "admin1_code": "32",
                "alternatenames": "IBA,Ibadan,Ibadan shaary,Ibadana,Ibadanas,Ibadano,Ibadán,abadan,aybadan,ibadan,ibadana,yi ba dan,Ìbàdàn,İbadan,Ібадан,Ибадан,Ибадан шаары,איבדאן,إبادان,إيبادان,ابادان,ਇਬਾਦਾਨ,イバダン,伊巴丹,이바단",
                "asciiname": "Ibadan",
                "population": 3565108

    Get the number of records in the doc-geonames-cities-5000 dataset

    GET https://documentation-resources.opendatasoft.com/api/odata/doc-geonames-cities-5000/$count

    There are 2 ways of obtaining the number of records in a dataset:

    These two methods have slightly different semantics:


    Get all records that contain "Turin" in any of their fields and order records by population size in ascending order

    GET https://documentation-resources.opendatasoft.com/api/odata/doc-geonames-cities-5000?$search=Turin&$orderby=population
        "@odata.context": "https://documentation-resources.opendatasoft.com/api/odata/$metadata#doc-geonames-cities-5000",
        "value": [
                "recordid": "e4b10f40f0dd992afc44e7cac52ede6b39f83bf5",
                "name": "Tura",
                /* ... */
                "population": 5444
                "recordid": "61eb5f69a96ba0c694a800f02802c0cc488aad91",
                "name": "Turinskaya Sloboda",
                /* ... */
                "population": 6023
                "recordid": "ef5d7d2506846f5581087d9070ff90e440056e86",
                "name": "Turinsk",
                /* ... */
                "population": 18555
                "recordid": "c8f5d3e8e38ea441d9c4bfae5809655a58d4c2e8",
                "name": "Turin",
                /* ... */
                "population": 870456

    Get all records that contain "Turin" in any of their fields and order records by population size in descending order

    GET https://documentation-resources.opendatasoft.com/api/odata/doc-geonames-cities-5000?$search=Turin&$orderby=population desc
        "@odata.context": "https://documentation-resources.opendatasoft.com/api/odata/$metadata#doc-geonames-cities-5000",
        "value": [
                "recordid": "c8f5d3e8e38ea441d9c4bfae5809655a58d4c2e8",
                "name": "Turin",
                /* ... */
                "population": 870456
                "recordid": "ef5d7d2506846f5581087d9070ff90e440056e86",
                "name": "Turinsk",
                /* ... */
                "population": 18555
                "recordid": "61eb5f69a96ba0c694a800f02802c0cc488aad91",
                "name": "Turinskaya Sloboda",
                /* ... */
                "population": 6023
                "recordid": "e4b10f40f0dd992afc44e7cac52ede6b39f83bf5",
                "name": "Tura",
                /* ... */
                "population": 5444

    Results returned by the service can be sorted by a field using the $orderby parameter. The field name can be followed by the asc and desc keywords to specify the sort order (default is ascendant).

    Specific record

    Get the record with the recordid c8f5d3e8e38ea441d9c4bfae5809655a58d4c2e8

    GET https://documentation-resources.opendatasoft.com/api/odata/doc-geonames-cities-5000(c8f5d3e8e38ea441d9c4bfae5809655a58d4c2e8) HTTP/1.1
        "@odata.context": "https://documentation-resources.opendatasoft.com/api/odata/$metadata#doc-geonames-cities-5000/$entity",
        "recordid": "c8f5d3e8e38ea441d9c4bfae5809655a58d4c2e8",
        "geonameid": "3165524",
        "name": "Turin",
        "asciiname": "Turin",
        "alternatenames": "Augusta Taurinorum,Julia Augusta Taurinorum,Lungsod ng Turino,TRN,Tori,Torin,Torino,Torinu,Torí,Tueri,Turen,Turijn,Turim,Turin,Turina,Turinas,Turino,Turinu,Turyn,Turén,Turìn,Turín,Turīna,Tórínó,Türì,dou ling,tolino,torino,tu rin,tulin,turin,turina,twryn,twrynw,Τορίνο,Торино,Турин,Турын,Թուրին,טורין,טורינו,تورينو,تورین,टोरीनो,तोरिनो,তুরিন,துரின்,ตูริน,ཊུ་རིན།,ტურინი,トリノ,都灵,토리노,투린",
        "feature_class": "P",
        "feature_code": "PPLA",
        "country_code": "IT",
        "admin1_code": "12",
        "admin2_code": "TO",
        "admin3_code": "001272",
        "admin4_code": "0012721",
        "population": 870456,
        "elevation": "239",
        "dem": 245,
        "timezone": "Europe/Rome",
        "modification_date": "2019-09-05T00:00:00+00:00",
        "geo_point_2d": {
            "latitude": 45.07049,
            "longitude": 7.68682

    To access a specific record, append its recordid surrounded by parentheses to the dataset address.


    Get all records that contain "Turin" in any of their fields and select only their name and population properties using projection

    GET https://documentation-resources.opendatasoft.com/api/odata/doc-geonames-cities-5000?$search=Turin&$select=name, population
        "@odata.context": "https://documentation-resources.opendatasoft.com/api/odata/$metadata#doc-geonames-cities-5000(name,population,recordid)",
        "value": [
                "recordid": "c8f5d3e8e38ea441d9c4bfae5809655a58d4c2e8",
                "name": "Turin",
                "population": 870456
                "recordid": "61eb5f69a96ba0c694a800f02802c0cc488aad91",
                "name": "Turinskaya Sloboda",
                "population": 6023
                "recordid": "ef5d7d2506846f5581087d9070ff90e440056e86",
                "name": "Turinsk",
                "population": 18555
                "recordid": "e4b10f40f0dd992afc44e7cac52ede6b39f83bf5",
                "name": "Tura",
                "population": 5444

    Results can be projected over specific fields using the $select parameter.

    For fields to be included in a projection, their names must be separated by a comma and an optional space.

    This parameter can be used with datasets and specific records.