• Authentication
  • Using OAuth2 authorization
  • Operations

    Opendatasoft datasets can be accessed through a Catalog Service for the Web (CSW) API. CSW is a standard for exposing a catalog of geospatial records in XML.

    The Opendatasoft platform uses the CSW specification version 2.0.2.

    Operations supported

    Opendatasoft platform implements four operations defined by the CSW standard:

    Operation Description
    GetCapabilities Retrieve service metadata
    DescribeRecord Discover elements of the information model by the catalog
    GetRecords Search for records and get their metadata and identifier
    GetRecordById Search for a record with a specific identifier

    Service address and methods

    Service entry address

    GET https://documentation-resources.opendatasoft.com/api/csw HTTP/1.1

    The service can be reached at the following entry address.

    The domain https://documentation-resources.opendatasoft.com/ is used as an example in this documentation, but you should replace it with your custom domain name.

    The CSW API supports both GET and POST HTTP methods.

    Request Headers

    The only supported HTTP header is the optional Content-Type header, which must be set to text/xml when using a POST HTTP request.


    When the HTTP GET method is used, the parameters are appended to the URL using a Keyword Value Pair (KVP) encoding.

    When the HTTP POST method is used, the operation request message is encoded as an XML document in the body of the POST message.

    Here is the list of the common parameters, supported by all CSW operations:

    Operation Description Possible values Optionality and use
    service The requested service CSW One (Mandatory)
    request The requested operation GetCapabilities, DescribeRecord, GetRecords, GetRecordById One (Mandatory)
    version The requested version of the service. 2.0.2 One (Optional)

    Exception reports

    Example exception

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <ExceptionReport xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/ows" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
        xsi:schemaLocation="http://schemas.opengis.net/ows/1.1.0/owsExceptionReport.xsd" version="1.0.0" language="en">
      <Exception exceptionCode="InvalidParameterValue" locator="service">
        <ExceptionText>Service must be WFS or CSW.</ExceptionText>

    When an error occurs, the service responds to the client using an Exception Report message to describe the error.

    Name Definition Data type and value Multiplicity and use
    ExceptionText Text describing specific exception represented by the exceptionCode Character String type, not empty. Value is an exception description as defined by individual servers Zero or more (optional). Omitted only when no more useful information available
    exceptionCode Code representing type of this exception Character String type, not empty. Allowed values are specified by each implementation specification and server
    One (mandatory)
    locator Indicator of location in the client's operation request where this exception was encountered Character String type, not empty. Contents defined for each allowed exceptionCode value for each operation Zero or one (optional). Omitted when no useful value available


    An authenticated user can be granted access to restricted datasets and benefit from extended quotas for API calls. The API features an authentication mechanism for users to be granted their specific authorizations.

    For the platform to authenticate a user, you need to either:

    Finding and generating API keys

    API keys are managed via your user profile page at https://<youropendatasoftportal>.com/account/ or by clicking on your name in the header.

    Link to account settings

    Go to the tab named My API keys to see your existing API keys, revoke them and create new ones.

    Account's API keys page

    Providing API keys within requests

    Unauthenticated request on a private portal

    > GET https://private-portal.opendatasoft.com/api/v2/catalog/datasets/ HTTP/1.1
    < HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized

    Authenticated request using an Authorization: Apikey <API_KEY> header

    > GET https://private-portal.opendatasoft.com/api/v2/catalog/datasets/ HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Apikey 7511e8cc6d6dbe65f9bc8dae19e08c08a2cab96ef45a86112d303eee
    < HTTP/1.0 200 OK
        "total_count": 4,
        "links": [{
            "href": "https://private-portal.opendatasoft.com/api/v2/catalog/datasets?include_app_metas=False&limit=10&offset=0",
            "rel": "self"
        }, {
            "href": "https://private-portal.opendatasoft.com/api/v2/catalog/datasets?include_app_metas=False&limit=10&offset=0",
            "rel": "first"
        }, {
            "href": "https://private-portal.opendatasoft.com/api/v2/catalog/datasets?include_app_metas=False&limit=10&offset=0",
            "rel": "last"
        "datasets": [...]

    Authenticated request using an API key as a query parameter

    > GET https://private-portal.opendatasoft.com/api/v2/catalog/datasets/?apikey=7511e8cc6d6dbe65f9bc8dae19e08c08a2cab96ef45a86112d303eee HTTP/1.1
    < HTTP/1.0 200 OK
        "total_count": 4,
        "links": [{
            "href": "https://private-portal.opendatasoft.com/api/v2/catalog/datasets?include_app_metas=False&limit=10&offset=0",
            "rel": "self"
        }, {
            "href": "https://private-portal.opendatasoft.com/api/v2/catalog/datasets?include_app_metas=False&limit=10&offset=0",
            "rel": "first"
        }, {
            "href": "https://private-portal.opendatasoft.com/api/v2/catalog/datasets?include_app_metas=False&limit=10&offset=0",
            "rel": "last"
        "datasets": [...]

    If you try to access a private portal's catalog without being authenticated, the API returns a 401 Unauthorized error.

    After generating an API key, you can use it to make authenticated requests. Depending on the permissions granted to the user for which the API key has been created, the JSON response contains only data about the datasets this user can access on the portal.

    It is good practice to pass the API key to the Authorization header in the following format:

    Authorization: Apikey <API_KEY>

    Alternatively, you can pass the API key as a query parameter in the following format:


    Replace <API_KEY>with your API key.

    Using OAuth2 authorization


    Opendatasoft implements the OAuth2 authorization flow, allowing third party application makers to access the data hosted on an Opendatasoft platform on behalf of a user while never having to deal with a password, thus avoiding any user credential to be compromised.

    The Opendatasoft OAuth2 authorization flow is compliant with RFC 6749 and makes use of Bearer Tokens in compliance with RFC 6750.

    Application developers who want to use the Opendatasoft APIs with OAuth2 must go through the following steps, which will be explained in this section.

    1. Register their application with the Opendatasoft platform.
    2. Request approval from users via an OAuth2 authorization grant.
    3. Request a bearer token that will allows them to query the Opendatasoft platform APIs for a limited amount of time.
    4. Refresh the Bearer Token when it expires.

    Currently, applications are registered on a specific domain and can only access data on this domain.

    Register an application for OAuth2 authentication

    OAuth2 applications management interface

    1. Go to the My applications tab of your account page on the domain you want to register the application on.
    2. Fill the registration form with the following information:
      • Application name: the name of the application
      • Type:
        • confidential: client password is kept secret from the user and only used from a trusted environment (e.g: a web service, where the client password is stored server-side and never sent to the user)
        • public: client password is embedded in a client-side application, making it potentially available to the world (e.g: a mobile or desktop application)
      • Redirection URL: the URL users will be redirected to after they have granted you permission to access their data
    3. Store the resulting client ID and client secret that will be needed to perform the next steps.

    Getting an authorization grant

    Example call to /oauth2/authorize/

    GET /oauth2/authorize/?
        scope=all HTTP/1.1

    To get an authorization grant from a user:

    1. Redirect them to /oauth2/authorize/ with the appropriate query parameters.
    2. The user will then be authenticated in the platform and redirected to a page identifying your application.
    3. From there, the user will review the information you filled in the form described above and the scope of the requested access, and grant your application the right to access their data.
    4. Once the user has accepted those terms, they will be redirected to your application's redirection URL with query parameters describing your authorization grant.

    The query parameters you need to supply when redirecting the user are the following:

    Redirection following a successful authorization

    HTTP/1.0 302 FOUND
    Location: https://example.com?state=ilovedata&code=gKnAQc2yIfdz2mY25xxgpTY2uyG5Sv

    The authorization grant redirect will have these values:

    The 30-character authorization code must now be converted into a bearer token within 1 hour before expiring.

    Converting an authorization grant to a bearer token

    Example call to /oauth2/token/

    POST /oauth2/token/ HTTP/1.1

    To receive a bearer token, convert the previously obtained authorization grant via a POST request to /oauth2/token/ with the following parameters:

    Alternative call with an Authorization header

    POST /oauth2/token/ HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Basic Y2lkOmNzYw==

    Alternatively, you can pass your client ID and client secret through the Authorization header

    Example response for a bearer token request

    HTTP/1.0 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
        "access_token": "9kxoTUYvSxnAiMpv008NBqRiqk5xWt",
        "expires_in": 3600,
        "token_type": "Bearer",
        "state": "ilovedata",
        "scope": "all",
        "refresh_token": "jFfDUcsK9zzNMs1zwczzJxGrimPtmf"

    The response to this request is a JSON representation of a bearer token, which contains the following values:

    Using the bearer token

    Using the token as a query parameter

    GET /api/end/point?access_token=9kxoTUYvSxnAiMpv008NBqRiqk5xWt HTTP/1.1

    Using the token in an Authorization header

    GET /api/end/point HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer 9kxoTUYvSxnAiMpv008NBqRiqk5xWt

    Using the token in the request body

    GET /api/end/point HTTP/1.1

    The bearer token can be passed along requests for authentication in three different ways:

    Refreshing a bearer token

    Example token refresh call

    POST /oauth2/token/ HTTP/1.1

    To refresh an expired bearer token, send a request to the /oauth2/token/ endpoint, with the following query parameters:

    The response to this request is identical to the bearer token response.



    Example GET request

    GET https://documentation-resources.opendatasoft.com/api/csw?service=CSW&request=GetCapabilities&sections=ServiceIdentification,ServiceProvider HTTP/1.1

    Example POST request

    POST https://documentation-resources.opendatasoft.com/api/csw HTTP/1.1
    <?xml version="1.0"?>

    The GetCapabilities operation allows clients to retrieve service metadata. The response is an XML document containing the information.


    This is the list of the supported parameters specific to the GetCapabilities operation. You should also take into consideration the common parameters.

    The existing parameters in the CSW standard that are not listed in this table are currently not supported.

    Parameter Description Optionality and use
    Sections Unordered list of zero or more names of sections of service metadata document to be returned in service metadata document. Optional. When omitted, returns the complete service metadata document.
    AcceptVersions Prioritized sequence of one or more specification versions accepted by client, with preferred versions listed first. Optional. When omitted, returns the latest supported version.


    This is the list of the existing section in the service metadata. The section name can be used as a value for the Sections parameter.

    Section name Contents
    ServiceIdentification Metadata about the CSW implementation.
    ServiceProvider Metadata about the organization offering the CSW service.
    OperationsMetadata Metadata about the CSW operations offered by a the CSW implementation.
    Filter_Capabilities Metadata about the filter capabilities of the server. The Opendatasoft CSW currently does not support filters.


    GetRecords operation with the optional resultType, outputSchema and ElementSetName parameters

    GET https://documentation-resources.opendatasoft.com/api/csw?service=CSW&request=GetRecords&resulttype=results&elementsetname=full&outputschema=http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd&typenames=csw:Record HTTP/1.1

    Same request using a POST method

    POST https://documentation-resources.opendatasoft.com/api/csw HTTP/1.1
    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
      <Query typeNames="Record">

    The GetRecords operation allows clients to discover resources (datasets). The response is an XML document and the output schema can be specified.


    This is the list of the supported parameters specific to the GetRecords operation. You should also take into consideration the common parameters.

    The existing parameters in the CSW standard which are not listed in this table are currently not supported.

    Parameter Description Optionality and use
    resultType Determines whether the catalog returns just a summary of the result set or includes one or more records from the result set. Optional. Values can be hits or results. Default value is hits.
    outputSchema Used to indicate the schema of the output that is generated in response to a GetRecords request. Optional. Values can be http://www.opengis.net/cat/csw/2.0.2 or http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd.
    Default value is http://www.opengis.net/cat/csw/2.0.2.
    startPosition Used to indicate at which record position the catalog should start generating output. Optional. Value must be a non-zero positive integer. Default value is 1.
    maxRecords Used to define the maximum number of records that should be returned from the result set of a query. Optional. Value must be a positive integer. Default value is 10.
    ElementSetName Used to indicate which named set the service shall present to the client. It usually defines the level of details present in the result set. Optional. Values can be full, summary, or brief. Default value is summary.
    typeNames Used to indicate which named set the service shall present to the client. It usually defines the level of details present in the result set. Mandatory. Values can be csw:Record or gmd:MD_Metadata.


    DescribeRecord operation with the optional TypeName parameter

    GET https://documentation-resources.opendatasoft.com/api/csw?service=CSW&request=DescribeRecord&typename=csw:Record HTTP/1.1

    Same request using a POST method

    POST https://documentation-resources.opendatasoft.com/api/csw HTTP/1.1
    <?xml version="1.0" ?>

    The DescribeRecord operation allows clients to discover elements of the information model supported by the catalog service.


    This is the list of the supported parameters specific to the DescribeRecord operation. You should also take into consideration the common parameters.

    The existing parameters in the CSW standard which are not listed in this table are currently not supported.

    Parameter Description Optionality and use
    TypeName Unordered list of zero or more type names that are to be described by the catalog. Optional. When omitted, return all types known.


    GetRecordById operation with the optional outputSchema parameter

    GET https://documentation-resources.opendatasoft.com/api/csw?service=CSW&request=GetRecordById&outputschema=http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd&id=roman-emperors HTTP/1.1

    Same request using a POST method

    POST https://documentation-resources.opendatasoft.com/api/csw HTTP/1.1
    <?xml version="1.0" ?>

    The GetRecordById operation allows clients to retrieve the representation of catalog records using their identifier. The response is an XML document and the output schema can be specified.


    This is the list of the supported parameters specific to the GetRecordById operation. You should also take into consideration the common parameters.

    The existing parameters in the CSW standard which are not listed in this table are currently not supported.

    Parameter Description Optionality and use
    outputSchema  Used to indicate the schema of the output that is generated in response to a GetRecordById request. Optional
    Values can be http://www.opengis.net/cat/csw/2.0.2 or http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gm
    Default value is http://www.opengis.net/cat/csw/2.0.2
    ElementSetName Used to indicate which named set the service shall present to the client. It usually defines the level of details present in the result set. Optional
    Values can be full, summary or brief
    Default value is summary
    Id A list of record identifiers for the records that a CSW shall return to the client. Mandatory
    List of resource identifier